Critics must rescore Dragon's Dogma 2 in light of microtransactions

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 396 points –
Critics must rescore Dragon's Dogma 2 in light of microtransactions

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Or companies could stop fleecing basic gameplay features that have been a staple of games for many years behind a completely unnecessary pay wall. Somebody wants to use fast travel, give it to them. If they don't, keep the option available for those who want it.

The fast travel is in the game, the mtx is a placable fast travel point of which you have a limit of 10. All 10 are findable in game and require you to use a limited consumable item that isn't in the mtx store every time you want to fast travel to it. The mtx are actually comically stupid decision from Capcom because they're unironically useless if you just play the base game and serve only to drag the games reputation through the mud.

You can buy the ferrystones for gold or loot them. They cost 10k gold. I had over 30k at level 10. Buying them is literally nothing mid to late game. You can also fast travel with carts that let you snooze or fight monsters. They are actually more interesting than ferry stones cause you get exp and loot.

And there's still no good reason to let that be something you can get with real life money. That's basically saying "Hey, you just gave us $70 to play our game, but if you think our game is too long for your patience, you can give us more money to play less game."

You literally can, fast travel is a part of the game. And just like in the first game it's limited behind an item. It's is the exact same system the series has had for a decade. Just they let rich idiots skip the system.

Again, it's the same exact system that was in the first game

That doesn't make it any better. That's effectively just making people pay to access developer and cheat codes. I can do that for free in Starfield with the press of a button and a short command.

It'd be like Mortal Kombat coming out and letting people pay real life money to do an easy fatality.

Oh wait.

There's no point for them to do this beyond simple greed. Nothing more.

They just let rich idiots skip the boring part, you mean. The main story in the first game takes about 32 hours to beat. How many of those hours are spent trekking through areas you've already been through before?

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