MPA: Site-Blocking Will Stop Pirate Site Owners Who Abuse Kids & Traffick Drugs * TorrentFreak to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 62 points –

Ahhhh there it is. The Hallmark of absolute shit legislation "fOr ThE ChILdReN!"


“To make that happen, we need to keep doing what we do best: telling a compelling story,” the head of the MPA explained.

Is that 'making up compelling stories' that end in 'would somebody please think of the children'? Is there any basis that piracy and illegal content are related? I mean I get that people include malware and share regular pornography... I dont get why it makes the MPA sad when their enemies get infected by viruses...

Maybe if their producing told compelling stories I'd be more inclined to pay their exorbitant prices...

Hahahaha, ok, yea, right, who am I kidding?

If I'm trafficking drugs AND abusing kids, do you really think I have the time to also be the sysadmin for a major piracy website? Abusing kids and trafficking drugs is already a full time job!

And they do cannibalism too, and tax evasion!

Whatever it takes, please just let us force everyone to pay $80.00 to play the latest live service beta test

Wow, most Onion-worthy headline not actually on The Onion in a good while 😰