Mother identified as person killed in fall at daughter’s Ohio State graduation ceremony to – 99 points –
Mother identified as person killed in fall at daughter’s Ohio State graduation ceremony

The authorities think it was an apparent suicide. At her daughter's graduation ceremony. Seriously WTF?!


some students and others at the ceremony were visibly upset after the fall

you dont say? these weak minded snowflakes these days, being upset by a mere dead body 😠

The real WTF is that someone died and they still carried in with the ceremony, meanwhile other graduations are canceled because of protestors who have yet to kill anyone

It’s about the perception of safety. No one is going to hear of a suicide by fall and wonder if they’ll be attacked. Not saying that protesters are attacking anyone, just pointing out the difference.

have yet to kill anyone

Grow up, edgelord. And stay on topic.

my HS graduation was on a Saturday, and my mom's attempt was the following Monday. so I guess this has that beat for awful.

chronic depression really distorts your view of things. my mom honestly didn't think it would taint my graduation or change my plans. sort of, like she was already gone from my life, so she was just trying to wrap things up?

unsurprisingly, even though she wasn't successful, she still managed to screw me and my younger siblings up for a fair bit. it's been 20+ years, and only one of us still is in contact with her.

So I’m reading an article about someone committing suicide at their kid’s graduation ceremony, then the site decided to throw this laughing Yao Ming Hoda popup when I get a few paragraphs in.


Wow. Absolutely destroying the graduate’s memory of her day. Wonder what mental health issues mom had that sent her down this path. Losing control of her daughter or something?

Maybe she has been suicidal for a long time and just managed to hold on long enough for her baby to be set up for independence.

Jealousy? Debt anxiety? Guilt about something? Depression?

I almost feel like they shouldn’t have reported this one until we had some sort of answer here.

Seems like a really weird way to kill yourself. Without knowing more, I think it's much more plausible that the police/coroner are just incompetent and making things up they believe to be true.

Is Ohio one of those states where a coroner doesn't need any formal education or medical training in order to become a coroner?

If they didn’t report on it then people would want to know what murder suspect to be looking out for.