11 Post – 320 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I'm thinking about offering some workshops. My local authority has funds available for courses and workshops which benefit the community, aimed particularly at people on low incomes. It would be fairly basic stuff, like where to access free software, the advantages of it, some recommendations and perhaps even some introductory lessons on using software like Libreoffice, Thunderbird, KeepassXC, GIMP, F-droid, the Fossify suite etc.

AI is so young and people are already bullying it.

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Imagine how magical and enchanting the world would feel if you believed that real people were painting pictures that fast.

Yeah, it's like that as an adult too. Pretty much everything feels better when there is a sense of compassion and empathy but not always the case with solutions. It makes me think that in general as humans we are much more concerned with each other than we are with the world. Or even ourselves, perhaps.

What a great way of describing it. And what an absolute honour and privilege to be that for someone!

Thanks so much for your comment - it's given me confidence, compassion and some peace too :) It's taken me nearly a week to read everyone's replies and over that time it has made me feel quite emotional too. We all have so much love and goodness that we want to make happen the world. I'm eally glad I made this post.

At the end of the day, this is just yet another example of how capitalism is an extractive system. Unprotected resources are used not for the benefit of all but to increase and entrench the imbalance of assets. This is why they are so keen on DRM and copyright and why they destroy the environment and social cohesion. The thing is, people want to help each other; not for profit but because we have a natural and healthy imperative to do the most good.

There is a difference between giving someone a present and then them giving it to another person, and giving someone a present and then them selling it. One is kind and helpful and the other is disgusting and produces inequality.

If you're gonna use something for free then make the product of it free too.

An idea for the fediverse and beyond: maybe we should be setting up instances with copyleft licences for all content posted to them. I actually don't mind if you wanna use my comments to make an LLM. It could be useful. But give me (and all the other people who contributed to it) the LLM for free, like we gave it to you. And let us use it for our benefit, not just yours.

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And 99.99999 percent of musicians lament being humiliated and poor.

Stop releasing your music on Spotify. They depend on you for their reputation as having all the music and will give you nothing in return except ever-broadening inequality and ever-narrowing artistic culture. People have mocked boomers for claiming that music is dying but that's exactly what is happening.

Thanks so much for your advice. Listening has come a lot in this discussion and I wasn't expecting it... Why is that? is it because listening shows a daughter that she matters?

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All the best to you fellow father :)

I can see see myself prone to those mistakes, as well as reluctant to avoid them. So it's good to know they're important and that it's worth trying to. Thanks for that

I'm sorry that your dad said those things about food and weight and it caused that for you. I'm also really grateful for the advice and happy that you had sweet times together too. It's really cool that he took you with him for hose trips.

Thank you

Thanks for your encouragement! And best wishes to you for the new one on the way :)

Thanks for your comment :) Can I ask; what sort of ground rules did you have with your wife?

The sad thing is that we don't even need 99.9% of this plastic in the first place. People were making disposable packaging, clothing, building materials etc out of non-toxic and biodegradable materials for most of history and it was fine. I seriously detest plastic and wish it was banned/not made unless for exceptional uses e.g replacement heart valves.

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Bro I just want some more bombs, please bro come on, I won't even do anything with them bro

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Nice to see EU policy finally flourishing now that they're no longer getting nerfed by the UK's membership.

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Bottom, for pocketing. And cable not dangling over screen.

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The fact that HP didn't even say anything makes it look less like profiteering and more like spite. Idiots. I'm actually in the market for a printer and from what I can tell, in order to get something that won't stiff me in some way I have to get one which is really old. And not made by HP.

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Festool is not on this list because Festool owners NEVER GET ANYONE PREGNANT.

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I'd rather have a keyboard mounted on the steering wheel and operate the car with bash aliases.

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Mozilla is one the most important tech entities in the world at the moment. Web browsers and email are currently people's bedrock interface with the internet and Firefox (and to a lesser extent Thunderbird) are the only such mainstream applications which remain outside the complete dominance of commodification.

We might disagree with some things that Mozilla have done but they are in the increasingly unique position of having to maintain integrity and accessibility in a constantly narrowing space. That's because we, as users, keep using them, keep supporting them and keep demanding the best of them.

Big up Mozilla!

Because Russia had so much success against Afghanistan themselves. Pretty sure they've had their asses handed to them in the far east as well.

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Why am I suddenly so fucking old?

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I only have old vehicles and I'm actually shocked that these things are operated via touchscreen on modern cars - I thought they were just for unnecessary infotainment stuff...

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Just think of all the hundreds of millions of people who won't be affected by this because they refuse to eat at MacDonald's regardless of their prices.

It's getting harder to remain compassionate towards people who keep using chrome.

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I've found that it depends on the community. The bigger ones get more toxic comments but more niche ones are still polite. What that suggests to me is that people who are here for entertainment are more likely to rant and mouth off, whereas as those who are here to share their passions and interests are engaging in a more fun and positive way.

For a bunch of miserable whingeing bastards, the Scots are pretty progressive.

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"Non-existent man publicly called out for misappropriating clay tablet."


This is exactly what they should do. But they won't, because most of it is held in the City of London's offshore boltholes. Seizing anything from them would scare the shit out of every big-time capitalist and corrupt politician on the planet. Would be good for us though.

Does anyone realise how expensive that is? I reckon you could run a lemmy or mastodon instance charging users 1% of that.

It wasn't me personally but I was working as a temp at one of the world's biggest shoe distribution centers when a guy accidentally made all of the size 10 shoes start coming out onto the conveyor belts. Apparently it wasn't a simple thing to stop it and for three days we basically just stood around while engineers were flown in from China and the Netherlands to try and sort it out. The guy who made the fuckup happen looked totally destroyed. On the last day I remember a group of guys in suits coming down and walking over to him in the warehouse and then he didn't work there any more. It must have cost them an absolute fortune.

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If I was American I would always vote for Bernie Sanders.

America should make Bernie their Emperor.

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It's going to be so surreal looking back at this in a few decades:

A crowd of phone-waving overweight cosplay nitwits from the internet taking over the headquarters of the most powerful nation on earth...

It makes me think of the vast numbers of brutal and battle-hardened rebels with AKs and rocket launchers, who have failed to storm their respective third-world governments, and the look that must have been on their faces when they saw this.

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Apple have been getting so many giant fines that it makes me think the EU have really just found their own way of taxing them. Which I'm in favour of.

That's funny, I thought the fed printed an extra $5 trillion during covid? I wonder where it all could have gone!

"How to make a car as big as possible without increasing the amount of space inside it."