
0 Post – 1003 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Sounds better than being near 1500 scorpions and spiders.

Internet. Those with empathy have been wary for years...


It's not easy. You have to be completely dead inside and ready to fire all your coworkers at a moment's notice!

But... How can he bang the cabbage with the goat watching?

Who said that!? I don't know you!

Shitty people and finding the absolute least-relevant issue possible to bitch about. Name a more iconic duo...

Wait until you hear how a cabbage got my Power of Attorney!

Damn, speedrunning the Lemmy topics! I only do 2/3 of them, otherwise we'd probably already be married!

They should face The Hague for how bad Teams is. Currently I have the "option" to switch to "Classic Teams" (which needed to be a separate application because fuck-knows-why) via a toggle. When I do, it launches Classic Teams and freezes, requires another 2FA approval, or both. Then, it later closes and auto-updates to "New" Teams and I get to do the whole process again. And New 3DS Plus Teams 2024 ME+ Pro U has stupid floaty notifications that take up too much space and annoy me.

Thank you for listening...

27 more...

Have you tried Linux, communism, and being gay?

1 more...

Also, wasn't she actually a Producer for some adult content? Can't exactly do that while being a mindless "hole & a heartbeat", which is what their narrative is...

Sorry, no. I was being facetious.


Why is this news?

Why do you ask bad-faith, loaded questions?

1 more...

"Day one!!!" I'm not even LGBTQ, but that's the Republican Nominee saying his main priority is to hurt minorities. For no gain, just spite. If you know someone with "Conservative" tendencies, you owe it to everyone in this country to talk to them about this...

3 more...

We live in a 2-Party system. Let me guess: You already vote, donate, and volunteer to abolish it, and are leading a grassroots effort for voting reform.... Right!?

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It's hideous because of corrupt, partisan people like you, Thomas! You should retire, collect the $1 million dollars per year for life from John Oliver, and let someone with ethics take your place...

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What is foreskin, and why is everybody using it?

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Or, they are as hate-filled as he is. Or both...

Yeah, I figured it was EOL. But look for the option at the top and the toggle is there, in the current version!

It's not hard! Just say pretty much anything that's not deep-throating dictators...

1 more...

So, no. You do nothing to improve the world and are just angrily yelling into the void... Thanks, adult toddler.

John just appeared on Late Night with Seth Meyers and said he still has and would honor the original contact he has. As long as Thomas retires before the fall...

Jerry Seinfeld has joined the chat.

I didn't have a "tantrum" when they blocked my 3rd-party app for corporate reasons... I just stopped using Reddit.

20 more...

Even this headline is spin! They fired no one, they just turned it off.

9 more...

Gross. Can we not link Fox "News" stories, please? If you have to reference them, use an archive... They have been and continue to be an active opponent of Democracy. That's not an exaggeration. They also argued in court that no reasonable *person would believe their coverage, so... free pass?

18 more...

Make no mistake. Backward Arizona lawmakers are afraid of you. Afraid that they will be kicked out of office. And they don't have any other skills.

So don't you dare tell me voting doesn't work. It still does. For now...

Remember: him and (especially) the far-right goons want a shutdown. They know Republicans will rightly be blamed in the short-term. But they're willing to accept that, and even worse: they're willing to damage the entire country and weaken our National Security to hurt the economy while Biden is president. That's all this is! Don't let anyone ever forget...

8 more...

Doesn't matter. They got their expected political result out of their false narrative at the time. Anything afterwards is a half-measure. Don't let the people in your lives watch Fox News, people! It's literal propaganda...

4 more...

You're thinking in terms of location, rather than state-of-being. "I'm home" is your status.

"I'm driving, I am bored, I'm safe, I am away"... None of those sound weird, do they? This, combined with the more technical grammar rules others have commented...

2 more...

Since you've gotten enough real answers, I'll just remind you that upvotes are stored in the balls.

Of course! Socialize the losses, privatize the gains...

It's the American Way!

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Pretty fucked up, but not surprising... Why do settlements come from uninvolved taxpayers, rather than the police "union"!?

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That disgusting hate-filled creature MTG just has to be on the moral wrong side of absolutely everything, doesn't she?

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It's always "former" or "outgoing" any time a GOP member is vocal like this. Even among those willing to push back against the MAGA agenda, they'll only do it when they can afford to piss off the extremist freaks they need to win elections. What a toxic Party...

4 more...

EVERY drink is water!

  • Soda is less water and some sugar mixture
  • Juice is less water and some squished fruit
  • Beer is less water and some cooked hops
  • Tea is less water and some leaf infusion
  • Coffee is less water and some roasted bean-juice
  • A martini is even less water with some alcohol and old squished fruit

So DON'T TELL ME WATER ISN'T ALLOWED! Damn, this is making me irrationally angry. Maybe I need some water...

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He raped her. That last judge went out of their way to clarify that point. He should be in prison. But monetary compensation as well...

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