
39 Post – 436 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Kind of on the tail end of their careers, but Senator Ron Wyden on privacy/surveillance, and Bernie Sanders on most stuff. Good question for a thread.

Sorry, are you following this story generally? Lefties, tankies and anarchists all seem extremely unlikely to be involved with pro Israel attackers.

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I didn't say it was good or I support it. I'm trying to understand it. Which is usually an important step to effectively combat something.

My understanding is the premise of world coin is to provide identity verification somehow, but I don't get how is it supposed to work?

Also how does it benefit the network to have scanned irises for people who don't care about world coin or understand how it works?

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Build an exact replica of that area right next to the original. They'll be confused, are they visiting the real ducks or a simulacrum of the ducks?

That's not true. America doesn't have universal healthcare, or free higher education. Norway's sovereign wealth fund owns 1.5% of the world's listed countries, for the benefit of Norwegians.

Point taken.

In your opinion, are worker cooperatives operating in a market economy socialist?

And do you consider any countries today socialist?

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Stupid question, but am I right in thinking that osmc won't support streaming services like Netflix/Hulu/Max?

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When I was 15 me and my friends made fun of communists and joked they were probably posting from their parent's computers. Now that I'm middle aged I'm a socialist, although wouldn't quite say communist. I haven't read Marx, but I do believe the point of a government is to help people, and our governments aren't doing enough in that regard. I believe privately held corporations are designed to make their owners money, and if that interferes with the common good then they should be stopped.

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Lol but what about the three hot people counting on you to secure food?

You don't think universal healthcare is socialist? Free higher education?

Again, I don't care as much about the label, but when these things are suggested in America it's socialist. When you point out anything good about the Nordics or just Europe generally the answer is they're not socialist, and it's not because of socialism. But we can't do those things in America because it's socialist.

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One time I was working in a different office than I usually do, and made a comment along the lines of "what's that smell? Do you guys smell that?" I was mortified to learn after one person left the room that it was his shoes, and they all seemed to think it was funny that I was unknowingly calling this person out.

Well if some disaster hit society presumably there won't be orderly collection of food stamps, and also maybe grocery stores won't be open or stocked.

Also: thinking about food security doesn't have to be a gun prepper's wet dream, it could be a thought experiment about mutual aid, sustainable farming or otherwise improving the world we've got.

Seems like the issue is what can you do that won't also blowback on you. They know where you live, and anything you do to make their lives miserable can also happen to you. As others said I would document everything, and report anything that's illegal. You might be able to get animal control or some agency like that out for the dogs. There might be noise ordinances for the night motorcycles. Anything you file I'd try to make anonymous.

Sometimes your local legislator's office can make things happen if police or whoever seem to drag their feet. You talk to your city councilor / state reps staffer, maybe get a bunch of neighbors all to sign a thing or show up at their office/event, and then they'll lean on the cops. Local politicians pay attention to organized groups of people who seem like they won't give up (vs individuals who are pissed off but seem unlikely to be persistent)

I'd recommend those cameras with the ball enclosure so someone can't see which direction it's pointed. If you don't already have a fence (and it's appropriate) I'd put one up. Could also plant privacy hedge type plants (like arbor vitae).

Open to interpretation. If society isn't gone per se but temporarily lapsed it would be reasonable to guess some utilities might be out.

Malian marxist leninists

Give em the ole home alone treatment

Are you trying to hit the store before it's out/closed, or are you liberating this stuff from somewhere?

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There are definitely failed communist states. Everyone always talks about bad examples and not successes like say, Nordic countries. And I realize I'm not saying something new here, but if we can agree those countries are doing well, but argue they're not socialist, then why don't we go ahead and implement the programs they have?

I don't particularly care what the label is, I care about the outcome. I want people to get treated for illness without going bankrupt. I want everyone to have access to education. Every person should have somewhere to sleep. Every person should have enough to eat.

If this was the middle ages we could argue that it's the law of the jungle, and the strong survive while the weak fall to the side. Today we have abundance to the point that we absolutely have enough for everyone. It's the system that distributes goods and assigns tasks which isn't up to the job.

Call it what you want, but I believe we should improve our system to address those problems, and I believe it's possible to address them.

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Well as I said I'd call myself a socialist more than communist, and for many that's splitting hairs, but I think it's reasonable to call them socialist. But my whole point was if we skip the labeling, they have elements in their governments that I'd like to see emulated. It's possible to have a democratically controlled nation that works more for the benefit of its people.

I'm fairly familiar with the Nordic countries and I think it's important to have a market. Still, they're known for "socialist" policies like universal healthcare, strong welfare benefits and Norway's sovereign wealth fund. They also manage to have strong democracies (including proportional representation) without turning into dictatorships like people accuse communist/socialist countries of doing.

What I was getting at is would you agree the countries are doing well? If so, who cares about the label, why don't we do some of that stuff?

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We have some coops in the states but many are pretty small. I'd love to see big coops because of the economies of scale they can bring (and visibility to inspire more) One example which is getting bigger is Obran, out of Baltimore. They acquire businesses and convert them to worker controlled. Some others with growth potential include the drivers coop which is an alternative to Uber (primarily in NYC / Denver) and the just new Artisans Cooperative which is an alternative to etsy.

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You're right, not the same but I still love credit unions! Multiple times now they've given me an interest rate on auto loans that no one else could beat. Plus most recent one I got a discount because the car was electric.

I think a credit union would be considered a "consumer cooperative" because the members are people who use the service/good, while Mondragon is a worker cooperative - the members are the people doing the work, and selling goods/services to others. (There are also residential coops for housing and multi-stakeholder coops)

I hope trump fails as much as the next guy, but this was pretty poorly written/argued

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Why is trump an unindicted co-conspirator? Seems like if they have enough to charge those people why not him too?

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Here's the Wikipedia article for anyone catching up like me.

Even Republicans have dogs and love them. I think on balance this will hurt her, even from her base. People who like their dogs (if they hear about it) will be disgusted.

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Not saying it's right, but most people feel more attachment to their dogs than to strangers (immigrants, queers, liberals etc). So while there will definitely be maga people who still support her, what I'm saying is on average, more people who might otherwise be supporters will be disturbed.

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Right, and hopefully even more than vote

I have one of their vape pens, it's nice. That said I do not condone manslaughter followed by fleeing the country

Yes please. Would love if they didn't phrase it in a horse race kind of way, "it would be a boon to the Biden campaign" and instead "it would be appropriate because Trump tried to overthrow an election and we have a specific constitutional amendment prohibiting insurrectionists from running for office"

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If you look at the poll in that article apparently every generation leans Democrat, so why aren't they winning?

A big factor is that gerrymandering means in a given state a majority of voters will vote Democrat but Republicans will get a majority of seats.

Same with national elections, it's good to remember that Trump didn't win the popular vote when he "won" the first time.

And each state getting two senators regardless of population means that lesser populated states have an outsized influence, and they're usually Republican.

So all that to say, it doesn't mean there's more of "them" than "us."

The U.S. should go to proportional ranked choice voting, which would not only avoid gerrymandering it would allow has to vote for third party candidates without throwing our vote away.

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I think they weren't ever going to use them because they know they would get nuked in turn. Once it became clear the bluff wasn't working, makes you look weak to use a threat and not follow through.

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It's funny you say that, because I was just watching a video of great apes looking at themselves in a mirror that scientists set up in the jungle. Once they got over the fear and realized they were seeing themselves, one of the things multiple apes did was look at their assholes.

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The original person stops drinking it and three other people start

Reads more like a delusional cult and painful nuisance rather than a serious threat to democracy. The guy thinks he's an incarnation of an archangel.

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5.2 million people voted Democratic in the 2020 presidential election (46% of those who voted). It would be a tragedy to abandon them. It would also create an ongoing threat to the stability of the remaining country. As Martin Luther King said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

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I see some people here saying they don't want Lemmy to grow. They're right as far as growth for the sake of growth. That said, there's value in a bigger user base because it allows for niche communities that otherwise wouldn't have enough activity to be worthwhile.

So in that spirit, I think actively posting and commenting about the subjects you're interested in is the best way to help develop active communities. If in conversation IRL we find ourselves saying, "I heard about X on lemmy" or "This tutorial on lemmy helped me figure out an issue with Y" then that's the best advertisement for new users.

Likewise I think reddit posts are favored when people do web searches because it's humans having a real discussion, not seo trying to sell something. As there's more content on lemmy I'd hope web searches will start bringing people here. (And as platforms like reddit make their product worse to make more profit fewer people will go there)

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Everyone's joking about "big surprise" but it's helpful to have documentation of any kind rather than suspicion. There are also probably plenty of people who are less extremely online who didn't make the connection, and now here's an established journalistic outlet doing so.