7 Post – 239 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Last time a recruiter harassed me via text he tried to convince me of all the kickass benefits and fun of being in the military. Straight up just told him "Dude, if you put a gun in my hand, you're going to be responsible for a suicide. Not happening." For some reason he never replied.

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When somebody contacts me out of the blue without my input, tries to sign me up to get murdered for the benefit of the military industrial complex, and reads "No, I'm not interested" as "tell me more," I become less likely to be as polite about matters. No means No, and if you keep pushing I'm gonna be as blunt as I need to be.


First phone was a red Samsung feature with a feature phone around 2009, 2010 or so.

First computer of my own was an old IBM thing. Don't remember the model, but it was just a simple black tower with a 16:10 monitor. 2 gigs RAM, 32gb hard drive, and a Pentium 4! It was too shit to render flashlights in HL2 Deathmatch but I played shit tons of that on it. Once it got a GPU and a 500 gig drive a while after, I clocked soooo many hours playing gmod and classic Doom on it as a kid.

Not for long. Iirc they're planning on having them removed for purchase for good.

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Anybody knows that one waterfall attraction in the Southeast US? The one that advertises bloody everywhere? Waterfall is pumped during the dry seasons, otherwise there'd be nothing to see. Lots of the formations are fake, and the Cactus and Candle formation was either moved from a different spot in the cave, or is from a different cave in New Mexico. Management doesn't want people to know that, but fuck 'em.

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Starting this off myself, there was one fella at my current job who bought vodka at a liquor store during his lunch break, poured heaps of it into his soda from a fast food joint, and wound up getting fired when they noticed him getting drunk as hell.

That was before I started working here, but coincidentally I met him at my other job!

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Nah. I'm just gonna keep deadnaming Twitter for as long as Musk keeps deadnaming his child.

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Docked an hour of our pay because, after we'd caught up on all of our tasks and had no chores or customers to handle, we played a bit of cards in the gift shop office to kill a bit of time. Corporate didn't like that we weren't doing stuff, despite the fact that we had literally nothing else to do, so they retroactively took away an hour of our pay.

I've already emailed the labor board about this since, looking into it, pay can only be docked before the time is worked, not after.

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Brb, starting on HRT so I can regain my 2nd Amendment right.

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Definitely PDA. Before we had modern smartphones folks would carry a cell phone and separate PDA which had computer functionalities. I've always said they were smartphones with half the smart and none of the phone.

Common apps included calculators, calendars, to do lists, notepads, clocks with alarms, task lists with reminders, PDF readers, word processors, later ones could even double as mp3 players and portable video players. There were even games made for them, both official and homebrew. My Windows PDAs have a bootleg port of XCOM: UFO Defense on them, which works brilliantly! There's also ports of Space Trader, if you want to take Elite with ya in your pocket.

PDAs evolved into smartphones as companies started including cellular tech inside PalmOS and Windows Mobile PDAs with devices like the Palm Treo and HTC Apache running PDA OSes with cellular connectivity. Once the iPhone came out though basically everything changed. They weren't the first, but they released a slick, buttery smooth device using a much better type of touch screen, with heaps of built in flash memory, a vibrant high res screen, and of course, iTunes. I own a PDA from the same year, not lower end but kinda middle of the road. 128 mb of usable flash memory, 64 mbs of RAM, a 240x320 resolution 16 bit color resistive touch screen (pressure sensitive, like the DS), a full sized SD card slot which can take up to 2 gigs of additional storage, wifi, Bluetooth, and IRDa. Required a stylus for usage. Versus the iPhone, which had anywhere from 4 gigs to 16 gigs of built in storage, 128 mb of RAM, a 480x320 resolution 18 bit color capacitive touch screen, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and multi-touch functionality on the screen. No stylus needed, either.

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I'm in Eastern Time Zone, but work is a 5 minute drive from Central. We get a few occasions where tourists show up an hour late for their scheduled tour because of this.

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I was hoping that the future would be like Star Trek, a beautiful high tech paradise where we worked our problems out and live in a post-scarcity world. Instead we're getting Deus Ex, minus the shades and trench coats.

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Oh I actually have a legitimately good reason for why the company I work for doesn't list pricing!

I work as a tour guide at a local nature attraction, got a campground as well. It's a privately owned thing, and a small, sorta hole in the wall place. In the past there's been big issues of third party websites, usually illegitimate, taking info about our pricing and services and selling tickets/camp lots to customers without our know or say.

Customer shows up after paying the not-us website, complains when we have no record of them nor their payment. They technically never paid us, only a scamming website, so we can't honor those tickets.

It was a big enough deal that reservations are currently only over the phone or in person. Kinda sucks, but it's best for everybody involved for now.

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Not quite OnlyFans, but when you have specific interests, you gotta find specific folks with skills tailored towards those interests.

Source: Close buddy of mine is a furry fetish artist. Not suspiciously wealthy, but he's full time drawing raptor asses.

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Not quite the spirit of what I was asking for, but upvoting anyway cause it reads like item descriptions you would have seen on r/outside lol.

Yeah, iirc the developers, who'd spent bloody ages developing the world for the game, we're effectively kicked out during a hostile publisher takeover. They're seeing none of the money from sales, nor do they hold the rights to their own property.

I might be misremembering some parts here, but the main point is that the devs were fucked over, aren't profiting off their property, can't do anything new with the property.

God it's so hard to believe that the same people who got outraged at Obama for having uppity fancy dijon mustard instead of honest earnest working class yellow mustard, would also go on to worship the man who shits in a golden toilet.

I pronounce it Twitter and will continue to dead name the website for as long as Musk dead names his trans child.

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I'm saying this as a man who's had zero children and has stretch marks.

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Left leaning fella in a deep red district in Georgia. Can I move elsewhere? Physically, yes. Financially, not a friggen chance. Lots of us are stuck in place for financial reasons or even familial.

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It's large prominence in my media, news, just in the general online zeitgeist. I wanna learn neat stuff from elsewhere for a change, just see what kinds of interesting stuff ya got all over the world.

Hey, a 30% increase is the difference between carrying a 100 pound load in my arms and a 70 pound load. I'd definitely want that bonus at my stagehand job, it'd make carpentry more bearable. Especially given how weak I am in general.

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Or companies could stop fleecing basic gameplay features that have been a staple of games for many years behind a completely unnecessary pay wall. Somebody wants to use fast travel, give it to them. If they don't, keep the option available for those who want it.

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Edit: Check the replies to my post for corrections and clarifications.

I'll answer your question and more.

Lossless quality: The highest quality you can practically get, where it's as close to a 1:1 recreation from the studio as reasonably possible.

Lossy quality: The audio is compressed in a manner where you get the majority of the sound, but slight, fine details are lost to lighten up on file size. Heavy compression can greatly alter overall sound quality, but it's not the early 2000s anymore, we don't need to compress music that hard to get an album or two to fit on a 128 mb card.

.wav: Lossless, uncompressed file. Full quality, full file size.

.flac: Lossless quality, but with some compression, to minmax file size to audio quality.

.mp3: Lossy compressed. Small file size with reduced audio quality.

.ogg: Lossy compressed. Basically just an alternative to the .mp3 standard.

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I haven't actively followed their stuff much at all, especially in the last many years, but this one hurts me. Red VS Blue was such a big part of my childhood into my teenage years, with the first ten seasons having gotten more rewatches by me than any other show out there.

Starting to feel those Blood Gulch Blues. Might marathon the whole series, myself.

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Well there were the Dixie Chicks getting canceled by conservatives for opposing the war. Probably not an example the fella you're replying to wants to admit to, tho.

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I sure did feel the love and embrace of the son of God as his proud followers directly contributed to various traumatic experiences and abuses growing up that fucked me up as a child and led to me being an emotionally and mentally stunted adult. If this is God's love, I ain't impressed, and don't gimme that shit about having my faith tested cause the sadistic bastard that sees global suffering en masse and explicitly allows it is not deserving of my faith.

Cool that your religion brings ya peace and joy mate, genuinely happy for ya. Shit sucks in the world and we all need some form of comfort, but my advice? Keep it to yourself.

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I like collecting old 2000s handhelds. PDAs and the likes! Even daily driving a real beauty, a Sony CliƩ PEG-UX50 (catchy name as always, Sony!)

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New levels, better HUD scaling, old content that hasn't been released in bloody ages, new death match models and skins, and most importantly, you get to be Ivan the Space Biker in death match.

Also there's an option to turn off texture filtering, and thank GOODNESS for that.

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Lathes are brutal, uncaring machines. Not only can they kill you, it's going to be miserable the whole time as your body is torn apart.

If there's room we just stick 'em on the next tour, easy as. However if they cannot be rescheduled, corporate's policy is to keep the money and say "sorry, we told you it's non-refundable."

Yeah I ain't staying here much longer.

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Yeah that's very much id's old 90's machismo. This is the company that invented the word "gibbitude" in Ultimate Doom's flavor text xD

I actually can't :o

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Honestly you can get an old iPod, slap a new battery inside, and flash mod it to replace it's hard drive with an SD card, and you have exactly what you're looking for in a small, robust, easy to use device.

The most disgusting thing you've read so far today

You could even like, use a really high frequency of laser rays so that you can pack as much data on that blue disc! Maybe we could trademark this. I'll call it High Definition DVD.

Yes, suffering of men brought on by a large imperialist state invading their neighbors for purely selfish reasons. Fuck outta here shill.

Hi I'm an elgibbety, butthurt ain't a slur, that person's just being a disingenuous twatmungler.

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When half your feed becomes nothing but trousers and beans and planes, it gets really fatiguing after the umpteenth day of it in a row. It was amusing for a bit, but people have taken that ball too far for my own personal enjoyment.

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