3 Post – 535 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The orange tag says “FUCK YOU” with no further elaboration.

In the billionaires’ defense, when Muslim children aren’t dying in the Middle East, they’re unable to get erections, and they’re all booked for Epstein’s island 2.0.

Absolutely fantastic that these people run the world and are accountable to no one.

It’s pronounced “shitter.”

The judge also noted that, despite his ruling, he did not consider the plan commission’s actions to be improper, leaving the door open for an appeal

Appeal that shit immediately. Start a Gofundme. This injustice cannot stand.

This should not have happened. Google Cloud has identified the events that led to this disruption and taken measures to ensure this does not happen again.”

Our AI golem destroyed something important again, but we’re too big to fail so our mistakes don’t matter.

We promise it won’t happen again, but when it does happen again, it still won’t matter.

We’re a totally safe and responsible company and should be trusted with most of the world’s data management.

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Justice delayed is justice denied.

There is no ceiling. It might go up 6 or 7C. The people who have the power to change things do not give a shit if the rest of us die. They don't care, and they won't change anything. That's the world we live in.

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The legislation is personal for Rehder, who was married at age 15 to her 21-year-old boyfriend in 1984. A year earlier, her sister, at age 16, married her 39-year-old drug dealer, she has said.

That's the reality of child marriage. It's exploitation and child molestation. Keep in mind these are the same people who want LGBT+ people exterminated for being "groomers." The accusation is a confession.

You see, our stock price goes up when we buy other companies and it goes up when we fire people. We're doing both at the same time, so our stock price will go up double. This is a sustainable business model and not at all a very dead canary in a very deadly coal mine.

The intentionally-created famine and water shortage may be the worst war crime of all. There aren’t enough bombs to kill everyone, but starvation and thirst will.

Human beings should not be treated this way. At least allow humanitarian aide in for innocent civilians. Children.

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Finally some good news on the climate. Our ability to fuck the Earth will mostly go away when our civilization collapses. We might even get a second Genghis Khan cooling when everyone dies.

People still care what Ann Coulter thinks about anything?

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Stonks go up. The meat must grind. Also, everyone who's left is fired.

That’s for the best. The unwritten rule has always been that children are off limits until they get involved. 18 is way too young to enter his father’s media circus.

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These tech companies have underestimated their utility. They are mostly providing mindless time wasters. If you try to charge money or create inconvenience, people will look for something else to do.

Their attention is your lifeblood, and you’re actively giving them reasons to look elsewhere. The VC grow-at-all-costs business model is fundamentally flawed. It doesn’t scale when profitability becomes a priority.

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I was looking for a Reddit alternative for years. I would have been cool with anything non-corporate, but figured it would take ages to build.

It’s incredible what Lemmy has turned into so quickly. A Reddit alternative went from being impossible to actually existing within a matter of weeks.

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Bernie: Here’s a bill that will help literally everyone. People waste less of their lives at work, and productivity goes up massively for the corporate overlords. There is no downside here for anyone.

Everyone: Shut up, hippy.

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"AI is going to take away jobs."

"Wait... not like that."

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If there’s one thing Jesus was consistent about, it’s that poor refugees seeking shelter should be ruthlessly murdered by drowning in a river tangled in razor wire.

Pretty sure that’s in the gospels.

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Biden: We’ve been reluctantly supporting a very close ally, but it’s gone too far, and now we’re publicly condemning while admittedly still funding them. It’s a complicated situation, and I’m a cautious centrist.

Trump: Why are there still buildings standing in Gaza? That won’t happen on my watch. May as well wipe out the West Bank while we’re at it.

For the life of me, I can’t tell the difference. I have no idea who to vote for to help the Palestinians.

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Special thanks to Vladimir Putin for making this possible, you fascist cunt.

Their tax rate isn’t the real issue. The fact that they extract that much wealth out of the labor and production of others is the real problem.

No human being should have a billion dollars. The workers who got you to your level of privilege and status should be paid based on their worth.

A boss that pays fairly would never become a billionaire, and their workers would live good lives being paid the actual value of their labor. Increased demand from increased household discretionary income would create a boom on the supply side.

But it will never happen, because billionaires own everything and will always manufacture consent. Democracy will die to thunderous applause.

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Trump is trying to get thrown in jail. His court appearance donation bumps are slowing, and he can’t campaign or fundraise properly. His only chance to avoid prosecution is to win the election. Throwing Trump in jail for tweeting will energize his base.

Meanwhile, letting him rant on “Failing” Truth Social every night then get fined $1,000 by the judge every morning makes him look petty.

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This Christofascist shit is getting out of control. On what planet is a woman staying with her abuser a good thing? What do you think is going to happen to her child if she stays?

If a pregnant woman is wanting a divorce, you can be certain of two things: 1) there's a reason for it, and 2) that reason is none of your fucking business. The party of small government, ladies and gentlemen.

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I recognize that guy. He was a moderator of the r/jailbait subreddit for the many, many years it was hosted on

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A fallible state institution that has made many documented mistakes in the past is still given the power to murder prisoners who are in its custody and under its protection. It’s barbarous.

America is hellbent on the concept of punishing criminals over rehabilitation while also having an objectively unfair justice system. The cruelty is the point sometimes, and it’s very unfortunate that people still think this way.

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"Donald Trump and his far-right 'holy war' against Taylor Swift could cost him the next presidential election."

News from a completely normal and not broken at all timeline. Imagine reading that sentence to someone 10 years ago.

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Unions are the only way to protect workers. The wealth extraction class only cares about numbers. Collective action can threaten their bottom line and force them to the negotiating table.

“You know how you make America great again?” Graham asked in 2015. “Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.” Then, on the same day Trump essentially clinched the GOP nomination, the senator predicted, “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.”


And he was right. Trump has completely destroyed the Republican Party. The house that Reagan and his 11th commandment built is now a structure fire.

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GOP for the last 40 years: destroys the climate, job market, economy, education, and healthcare

“Did Taylor Swift do this?”

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Rationality wins out in the end. People are who they are. The less the government is involved, the better. What right does the state have to tell you who you are or who you should love?

Consenting adults should be allowed to live out their lives. Why is this even an issue? How does it hurt anyone to have someone live as the person they truly are so they can be happy?

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  1. Provide a good service
  2. Don’t fuck with it
  3. Count your money

Steam is a true “disrupter,” because they do business the way people did for centuries before higher short-term profits became the only goal.

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And Trump's donations have sucked all the air out of the room for all GOP candidates, state parties, etc. They're throwing the 2024 war chest down the endless hole of Trump's legal problems. Isn't he supposed to be a billionaire?

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Posobiec, who helped popularize the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, appeared at CPAC’s opening day on Wednesday. He spoke during a panel moderated by former White House adviser and white supremacist Steve Bannon.

They’re not sending their brightest, folks. Many such examples.

Seriously though, I didn’t have a pizzagate guy openly advocating fascism at CPAC on my doomsday bingo card, yet here we are.

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If you want to see a resurgent left in America, please strike down the NLRB. Take away the one avenue of redress that labor still has.

It won’t happen that day. It won’t happen that year. But that decision will lead to blood on the streets.

As MLK taught, riots are the inevitable result of voices going unheard.

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Regular Americans are struggling to survive in a nightmare dystopia. News and weather at 11.

Not surprising that a lot of boomers got left behind. The American system is designed to grind everyone to zero with overwhelming debt to keep everyone working at nonliving wages.

Making sure income can’t match debts is a form of wage slavery. Company towns with mines back in the day. This current “economy” is that bullshit on steroids.

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It’s all so incredibly gross. Using “AI” to undress someone you know is extremely fucked up. Please don’t do that.

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The Satanic Temple does a little trolling.

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"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

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While slumping over a desk for 9 hours straight improves back health. Prevents 100% of cases of lumbago.

It’s not just that the old money dragons of commercial real estate are losing money, it’s also that middle management nothings need to exert their authority over you in person to feel relevant.

WFH makes every company money on decreased overhead. The war against it is 100% commercial property landlords that collect rent in the billions.

Fuck every single one of those fucking assholes. They are destroying our world to squeeze out just a little more.

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