
0 Post – 356 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Whatever happened to "you do you, I do me"?

Literally the sentence before that one was you being critical of pride parades, so I guess you mean "You do you (but only with my rubber stamp of approval)"

Shocking nobody.

Okay Gamer.

You're really bad at staying mask on.

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"Thanks for pushing normal people to the far-right" is an overt strategy passed around 4chan and far-right chat channels, intended to both discourage the left from defending their views and create the idea that being bigoted is something "normal people" support.

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This situation doesn't exist outside your imagination.

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It wasn't for nothing, it was to funnel hundreds of billions of dollars to defense companies and their shareholders.

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Sure. "It happened to a friend".

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The far-right is not the Democrats fault and I don't know why you're bragging about selling out your community.

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The Republican culture war being waged against the LGBT+ community should make it completely clear that your skin color or brand of religious nonsense doesn't make you immune to bigotry.

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While I hope this is the case, she may have simply been backed into a corner on a promise she couldn't deliver.

Fascism is not the solution to neoliberalism.

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Sounds like you're a cunt.

You don't need permission.

Extremists are engagement.

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There's no profit in ethical standards.

Nobody is hiding anything. They're slurs and dogwhistles. If you really want to know what they are, use your initiative to look them up. Insisting people on social media to explain it to you is not only indistinguishable from sea-lioning but a great way to get manipulated.

I wanted a list I thought I said that? I refuse to pay hence I asked as I want to be better educated on the topic

Nope. You asked "So what's the definition of white nationalist vocabulary?" and then when that was answered, you moved the goal posts.

Here is u lumping all republicans together with the people u call extremists Nazis, antivaxxers, and antisemites

Nope, there is me explaining that the far-right no longer give themselves labels like "alt-right" and instead insist they're regular Repiblicans so that apologists like you can claim "you just call all Republicans Nazis".

You've tried really hard to strip that context out of your quote but since you knew cutting the sentence off half way through would be too obvious, there's still enough context there to show you're lying. It's right there in the "so they can hide behind moderates" part -- who are the "moderates" if I'm calling all Republicans Nazis?

The right is riddled with far right extremists same as the left is riddled with far left extremists

Not even remotely close. I know you've been trained to bleat "both sides" on command but this isn't going to fool anyone outside your little bubble of people who will believe anything as long as it's right wing.

But sure, let's play. Who are the Democrat versions of Matt Gaetz or MTG, both of whom are seeing to control what people learn by attacking teachers and banning books? Who is the Democrat version of Paul Gosar, who has shared videos depicting violence against their political rivals? Who are the Democrats promoting conspiracy theories to undermine elections, like Boebert and Trump?

Lot of similarities here.

Not nearly as many differences. Bullshit comparisons like this are trivial to make and I could link Hitler to 100 Republicans in 1000 ways using surface level shit that everyone does, even without lying.

Hitler isn't known as one of the most vile people to ever live because he made generalisations about a group of people, it's because he was a political leader who arranged to systemically murder millions of innocent people.

So its antisemitic when the right does it but acceptable to literally call for the destruction of their nation if the left does it (from the river to the sea etc)?

I genuinely can't even figure out what your point is supposed to be here.

That's two mentions of my family not speaking to me. I'm not sure what kind of a psychopathic family refused to talk to someone because of political ideology but Me thinks you doth protest to much.

Nope, I just keep tabs on what extremists are up to and it's common to see both "how do I redpill my friends and family?" and "my family doesn't speak to me any more".

Don't worry, I'm sure they're unrelated and your family are good people that know your true opinions.

It works better with more parties.

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If you were familiar with far-right extremists before Reddit gave them a comfy little platform, it was painfully obvious.

Sticking to vocabulary only, terms like "cuck" becoming their favourite insult was straight from neo-nazi circles, where it very deliberately meant "race traitor" -- someone who would let a black man fuck their wife.

Since it had the most plausible deniability behind it, "cuck" survived about as long as "alt-right" did, before it became obvious to even the dullest of fucks that it was all just neo-nazis.

But scattered around that, you had terms like "Zionists" and "ethnostate" that aren't inherently Nazi terms but are neo-nazis go-to problem and solution. You had outright dogwhistles like (((Soros))) and 1488. You had preferred slurs for women and minorities that came straight from places that were openly far-right, Holocaust advocates.

You also had various versions of the same old Protocols/Mein Kamph conspiracy theories, custom built for internet reactionaries. Hell, the anti-Hillary frenzy escalated to accused the Democrats of blood libel for fucks sake -- one of the oldest antisemitic conspiracy theories there is.

Most of these came and went as they carefully balanced remaining "mask on". If it became too much of a give away, it was retired and replaced. These days, they know to not even name their movement, because it makes it harder to attack. The "alt-right" is now just "Republicans" so they can hide their extremism behind moderates.

Anyway, fuck the lot of them. Reddit providing a platform for groups like neo-nazis and anti-vaxxers has likely caused more social damage than anything on the internet to date.

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And yes, I do mean slightly, but am not going to go more into details of the other methodology with much higher body counts that the hatred of small minded folks have taken over the years

Apologist bullshit. There is no reality where this man threatens an Uber driver with a truck bomb. Even when talking about domestic terrorism, bombs are far more effort with far more risk, which is why they're not already used.

I don't think that's how they're wired. If anything, they'd be excited to learn they're a couple of million dollars of AI astroturfing from being able to choose the president.

What a shock, you didn't want an answer, you wanted the foundation of apologist talking points to bail out your friends.

Wow that's a lot of text with a lot of opinion I don't really care for. I was more looking for a list but all I got was cuck, zionist, ethnostate, soros, and 1488

Damn, you wanted a list and all you got was a list. If you want something more specific, buy the paper instead of insisting people spoon feed you answers. My money would be on you being perfectly aware what that list contains but hoping nobody wanted to write you out a giant list of racist, sexist and antisemitic slurs.

The rest is ideas and concepts and Dumas's conspiracy theories not vocaulary.

Yes, as I clearly stated.

Also imo its incredibly nieve to lump anyone who identifies with republican as an alt-right Nazi

Not a thing I did, but if you're upset that your friends and family are being labeled as scumbags just because they vote, bankroll and repeat the talking points of scumbags, maybe you should direct your tantrum at the alt-right Nazis and the Republicans that tolerate them, if not openly support them.

That is literally the same generalisation group think blame game that Hitler used to blame and prosecute the Jews.

Fuck off with your "the left are the real Nazis". I'm not shipping people off to death camps, I'm pointing out the undeniable fact that the Republican party is riddled with far-right fuckstains, an idea that apparently hurts your feelings.

They're not remotely comparable acts on any level and I'm not going to fall for the awkward manipulation tactics you learned on 4chan.

I guess my only other question is why are the Palestinian protesters using at least 2 of these ideas/words?

Rub your two braincells together and see if they spark. Zionism plays an important part in Israeli hostilities towards Gaza. That doesn't mean far-right conspiracy theories about Jews running the world and needing genociding have any merit.

You're blatantly just trying to link my opinions to Hitler (hoping people will be dull enough to think "both people bad") and racist extremists to Palestinians (hoping people will be dull enough to think "both groups good").

Save the awkward manipulation for whatever members of your family still speak to you.

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If you don't know the difference between a pocket knife and a sword, you're probably not in any position to call anyone a laughing stock.

But it doesn't matter anyway, because the only way anyone is going to believe the UK is the "laughing stock of the world" is if they've never spoken to any of the people who make up that world.

It's the USA and has been for decades, peaking with Republicans like George Bush and Donald Trump. It's not even a close contest.

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You're not going to try to force somebody out of their car with a flick-knife

In countries that don't just give guns to anyone who can write their name, carjacking is functionally unheard of. It's just not a crime that happens. If the criminal doesn't have a gun, you can just drive away.

They're absolutely not. You've absorbed a pro-gun talking point without ever fact checking it.

The knife laws are structured around justification for carrying. A chef on their way home from work isn't going to be thrown in jail for having kitchen knives on them. A group of 15 year olds hanging out on a street corner carrying the same knives might be charged.

Too be fair I too was looking for something of a list. Of the few words mentionned in the comments, I only knew about cuck and I thought it was a fetish thing.

I’m not too sure why people on here tend to exaggerate the slightest of things. One can simply be curious, you know.

Just because you can't spot the bullshit doesn't mean it's not there. By your own admission you didn't know any of the dogwhistles nor the extra layer of gross in their love of calling everyone "cucks".

You fell for their plausible deniability but many of us have seen these tricks 1000 times now. We're not exaggerating, we're experienced.

And I don’t know why everyone is defending the paywall. I thought lemmy was leftist and leftists were agaisnt this kind of thing. Especially since most papers, if not all, are partially or fully funded by taxpayer money.

I'm not defending the paywall. If someone wants to undermine the content of the paper, they can start by reading it, not crowd-sourcing excuses.

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The best thing about his deeply fuckheaded comments is that it's a perfect example of the sick way the ultra wealthy operate, presented in a way reddit users can absolutely understand.

The act of building early reddit was a group effort. I have no idea how much Spez contributed to the concept, but he did code it -- a task that realistically millions of people also would have been able to do.

But a platform without users is nothing. It was the users creating content that truly built reddit and the unpaid moderators who stopped it collapsing under the weight of spam and extremism.

While that was happening, spez shit the bed over and over again. He sold out too early. He openly advocated platforming extremists. He got called out for the bigotry he tolerated in his company. He alienated his most important users so he could sell their content to AI companies.

And now here we are. He makes an absurd amount of money, despite being shit at his job, despite being a clearly bad person and despite his accomplishments being ordinary. Meanwhile, the people he needs, who are critical to his business, are paid nothing.

This is the same setup as Amazon, Walmart, Uber and a million other businesses, distilled down to its very essence.

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Almost like "small government" was just a bullshit excuse to cut social services and avoid regulating against the unchecked greed and exploitation of wealthy executives, not something they genuinely believed.

It should be noted that for-profit media companies will play dumb on any protest critical of the types of people that own and run for-profit media companies.

During the "occupy" protests, it was common to see reporters staring into the camera and asking "but what are these protests about?" in front signs stating exactly what the protests were about. They knew if they fairly reported on the movement, their audience might start agreeing with the protesters. So both "left wing" and "right wing" media companies held hands and united to undermine it.

But without that reporting, fuck knows. If he's posting on reddit conspiracy subs, they've become a place for extremists to recruit the stupid and the clinically paranoid.

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I'm sure the far-right is desperately searching for something "leftist" to pin on him while simultaneously applauding him in their seedy little Nazi chat rooms.

Probably because of all the genocide they're doing.

Dictatorships are not intrinsically bad. You can have good dictators, even if they are rare.

Yet they can't handle competition, accountability or limits to their power? Fuck off fascist.

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Decapitating a family member because there are men in your imagination wearing women's clothes.

Most of them are just neoliberals who are upset there's still a handful of regulations stopping them from going full psycopath in the name of record profits.

This isn't normalisation, it's celebration.

I'm not going to be coy about why they're celebrating him either: The pro-gun community spends hour after hour theorycrafting about how they can shoot people with their cool guns and get away with it. Kyle is being celebrated for finding a new "get out of jail free" technique that specifically targeted undesirables for murder.

That's all there is to it. They shower him with fame and money because he killed BLM protesters with America's favourite gun. It's his reward.

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The "incentive" is just greed. Customers could be paying a million dollars a month and there will still be some greedy, slimey executive pushing "if we sold their data too we could make a million and one dollars off them each month".

The "I feared for my life" rhetoric is just an excuse to shoot people, borrowed from police when they wanted to shoot people. You don't have to politely believe them just because they said it.

He actually sold out early in a much more obvious, objective way.

Huffman and Ohanian sold Reddit to Condé Nast on October 31, 2006, for a reported $10 million to $20 million. Huffman remained with Reddit until 2009, when he left his role as acting CEO.

That's a tiny fraction of his current compensation. He then spent a while backpacking around and started a mediocre company that's since closed down.

He is neither a shrewd businessman, coding god, nor visionary genius. He's just some guy that was in the right place at the right time.

The same is true of practically every executive pocketing grotesque compensation, with the only difference being "the right place at the right time" is more often "in a rich woman's womb" or "at an extremely expensive school".

He isn't being paid $200 million a year for his talent. He's being paid $200 million a year because instead of paying staff better wages, or not enshittifying the site, or paying moderators and content creators, he simply pocketed that money for himself.

It's what this neoliberal utopia always is. Executives stealing workers wealth and claiming they earned it for stealing so much wealth.

Classic pro-gun propaganda. Everybody is a "responsible gun owner" (despite that responsibility being entirely optional) until they shoot someone, then they're instantly a "gang member" so they don't count. Nevermind that the word "gang" doesn't appear anywhere in the article and it easily could have been another generic conservative losing control of his emotions.

But even if they were criminals, there is no magic gun fairy supplying them with firearms. The existing laws completely fail to identify criminals and straw purchases, but we're forbidden from changing them because they'll inconvenience gun owners.

But don't worry if you won't pass a background check, gun owners still have you covered. Most states still allow private sales to happen without a background check, because the gun lobby staunchly opposes closing that loophole. But if your state isn't one of them, you still don't have to worry because "responsible gun owners" who irresponsibly store their firearms provide the black market with tens of thousands of stolen guns every year.

Stop letting the problem insist they're the solution.

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