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Joined 2 months ago

Who is the politician playing against in this chess? I think that's a dumb take.

Like are there pawns being sacrificed? Do they strategize to back enemies into corners with no way out?

I really think they are a part of the alt-right/Russian playbook now. Russia has always been known to stir up shit and the GOP is on a serious misinformation Kool-aid binge right now. I'll even go so far as to say that the current conflict in the Middle East has Russian fingerprints on it. They have done it before.

It sucks to slog through voter suppression efforts every day online and then find an entire town being suppressed. THIS... THIS...THIS.. POST is the cumulative result of the efforts of ANYONE who tells SOMEONE else to withhold their vote for a political stance. You ARE a vote suppressionist! 👈👈👈

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I propose that those men making tutorials are busy fielding tons of weird PMs from Indian women.

Dude, the fact stands that Isreal is killing children at an alarming rate. I'm glad everytime I hear someone put words out there to express this. Don't play the Semantics game. This stuff needs to be said, over and over. Free speech and all.

I read biological sex as in only the sex found in nature is valid and thought "wow there's probably some freaky shit that's valid"

I'd say closer to the xennial "forgotten generation" type. The playtesters of all of your favorite franchises didn't fall behind as far as you think.

Not Hank Hill and his narry urethra

Bussussy yeah i know

There's a trick. Don't use sweetened whip cream, use heavy whipping cream and sprinkle the strawberries with sugar (Just a bit). Strawberries are best sweetened only slightly to me and the savory flavor of the cream compliments the tartness of the strawberries.

Edit: Thanks for the unlocked memory, it's probably been decades.

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Once you call em out on their BS they ghost. Good debate my friend.

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I live in a very hard to navigate city by tractor trailer in the U.S. This is correct even in the case of stop signs. Tight turns need clearance for large vehicles or else you get no infrastructure

If you are online supporting the idea of withholding ones vote in order to advance a political agenda, you are enacting voter suppression. Layed out pretty simply for you.

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You must acknowledge who the real terrorists are then. The most civilian casualties and what not.

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I blame the Amazons and their secretive ways

I'll date myself down to a year. In middle school the coolest thing to do was go buy sourball gumballs in bulk and bring em into school to sell 25 cents a piece.

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Still looking for moral high ground? Try it without killing and justifying it. The old proverb an eye for an eye shouldn't be that hard to grasp.

And on that note: Why must comparisons always fall back on WW2. The first and second world wars mark the point where humanity evolved to its most savage. If one had honor before that they wouldn't hide behind drones, rockets, and bombs to do the dirty work. We are all in this brutal society and I for one choose to respect life, no matter what the cause. So sad that you think there is a drop of morality to be squeezed out todays plight. Minimize damage and human casualty, that is all.

I was really big into skateboarding when I was young and I tried getting on ice one time. The terror of my potential proximity between my fingers and sharp blades sent me right to the bench.

Don't forget the dust, I cleaned a near empty silo, and had a lung infection for about 2 months.

Solid Calvin and Hobbes reference

There's some of us that probably have perfectly good organs, but due to various blood born viruses we can't donate even though we squashed the buggers with new medications.

What if one day those people doctoring images like that should have a fake doctored profile photo of themselves on a dating app. Ai writes a tailored bio for victim to swipe on should that victim be on a dating app. If the match is made, the profile adds both the perps Ai doctoring attempt on the victim and the real face of the perp.

I've seen a few Jeeps with the spare cover with a flag and the words, "There's only One" or something like that. I always wanted to pop two tires and put a note on the spare, "shoulda had two".

I just got into a huge argument with my friend while fixing her car. When I met her she was swapping the motor out and I thought I could be some help. I wasn't much help but I'm still putting effort in. What I'm saying is this argument we had, I still think I was right, but she's dealt with soo many assholes that she just wasn't gonna hear it from me and my poor communication skills.

Yep that's the one

Earthlings eat earthlings. Who really wants to gatekeep being an earthling?

Yeah, I understand now, I wasn't arguing.

The first episode of Supernatural season 4. Hooked me right into the series. It was possibly my first time seeing that show. It did a lot of what Cinema was doing at the time. Depicting deities, arch-deities, and various horrific supernatural creatures in very subversive fashion. But the chemistry of the actors made the story so personal. That show only grew on me after that point.

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You couldn't be more right about that too. That trade war with China was damn early in his administration. Who comes into a leadership position and turns to the next greatest competitor and targets them with sanctions? He slapped that painted target on himself reaaallly early.

The Bruce Willis movie, Last Man Standing, is a good Fistful of Dollars redo set in 1920s I believe.

I don't get it, you trolling?

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https://youtu.be/dZ9HvhteCDc?si=NTBqlVTBvMII5BcE Castiel is introduced into the series

https://youtu.be/YoQ8NK7y_M8?si=OcX2LgbRhKfpu0rI The beginning of the show caught my attention

Edit: https://youtu.be/7ftfG5fQMXw?si=NwvWhMdEYzNCni-v forgot about the clip that hints the subversive parts of the show

One of those original genocides.

Not wanting to die shouldn't be a matter of politics.

Edit: I'm dead serious too. Singing about culture, tradition, and real heroes for humanity fall more inline with folklore style singing. Which is a tier above politics. Don't ever diminish an artitsts work with the disgusting political label. And the "politics" of a certain genocidal nation are certainly debatable too.