13 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Core memory resurfaced from the playground near my late grandma’s house.

Ben-Gvir: It’s time for a true solution to Gaza.


Yep, very demotivating when you put all the effort into screenshotting and reposting someone else’s meme and then it gets removed.

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Gates is just as evil as Musk, he is just better at it. Gates played a pivotal role in making sure the vaccine’s stayed under patent. Even when American farma didn’t have the capacity to produce enough and Indian factories had over capacity. The irony is that he did this using his position in the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, that tells you all you need to know about billionaire philanthropy.

[edit] source:

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I would rather they don’t commit war crimes :)

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I think Biden is not looking forward to the upcoming headlines that the Gaza invasion has surpassed the entire Ukraine invasion in civilian death toll (in just one month). Kinda makes it hard to keep the spiel going that Israel are the good guys.

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What a hill to die on. They banned Russia; it would have been such an easy and consistent decision to ban Israel too, especially when they started deliberately starving Palestinian civilians. Can’t wait for the PR response the moment this Genocide becomes officially recognized, “wir haben es nicht gewusst“ 2.0

I tend to be principally against patents in general, as research suggests they actually stifle innovation rather than incentivize it. But in this case I’d say ‘let them fight, and may they both lose’.

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Of course Israel knows this is not possible, but it’s a nice statement to point at every time they get caught killing civilians. “Look we told them to leave, nothing we can do after that.”

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First, protest’s don’t necessarily need to accomplish anything, people are allowed to be angry.

Second, the black white wealth inequality in South Africa is still insane and the Dutch are partially responsible for that. Plus you can’t really buy groceries from awareness or excuses.

Third, as a Dutch guy I don’t really mind them being uncomfortable for a bit once in a while, keeps them grounded.

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I see you are trying to open the terminal, would you like me to:

A: break your knees

B: kill your entire family

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No food, no water, no power, please explain to me how this is not genocide.

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I wouldn’t care if it looked like a giant cock and balls if I had a dedicated high-speed-rail station in my city. It also looks like it has serious capacity with three separate approaching rail corridors.

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The CEO just really likes the taste (and especially the structure) of spit.

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Stop the occupation of Palestine, stop the settlement of the West Bank, and stop the apartheid status of Palestinians in Israel. Then either allow Palestine to be an independent country in the UN, responsible for their own security and economy. Or give all Palestinians voting rights in Israel as a one state solution. After that is set and done set up an independent criminal court to judge on all war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in this region, this will of course also include Hamas.

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I know there are a lot of upper-class Tories with a stick up their ars that voted Brexit, but if I think of a Brexit voter this is what I see.

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Definitely a C 4 effort.

With the full support of the country I’m from and the country I’m living in. Disgusting.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

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Yes let’s focus on the national debt: famous winning issue for progressives.

Or is the goal to catch republicans on hypocrisy? I thought it was clear by now that the republican base literally doesn’t care so long as there is a hooting tooting demagogue that triggers Democrats in the White House.

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That is too many steps:

Child = Terrorist

I remember when the Guardian was the good newspaper that proudly published the Wikileaks documents, sad to see them turn into the Terf Stasi.

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Well, you’re not supposed to shove your cock in either.

Why is it so common to blame those poorer, weaker, and more desperate than you for your problems. Yes live probably has gotten worse, and obvious problems are not being solved, but migrants are the last people to blame. It’s such a destructive tendency, and it’s sad to see the same mistake happening again and again.

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Biden is creating lots of blue-collar jobs at the crocodile-tear factory.

Here is the deal. If you give me two fish now I’ll give you four fish in a month, trust me there is no catch just fish.

On an unrelated note do you perchance know other wise investors like yourself that want to multiply there fish portfolio?

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In your statement you are completely disregarding the security concerns of the Palestinians, calling the current state of the Gaza strip a 'token of good will' is absolutely ludicrous. If you really believe this I would invite you to read the wikipedia article on the great march of return:–2019_Gaza_border_protests.

On apartheid I will simply refer to the judgment of HRW:

And finally it is not stupid idealism to want to end the current status quo in Israel, I think it has become clear over the last few days that it is not possible to suppress a population without some kind of response: an apartheid state is a state of violence. And I hope we can all agree (at least if you are not an ethnonationalist) that the current state of South Africa is much much better than it was during apartheid.

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It’s a legal tool that turns ideas into property. This allows capital to exercise power over it and profit through it, and on top of that inhibits innovation. So l’d say there is no use or abuse, it’s a bad legal framework that doesn’t achieve societal benefits.

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Well you got me there, my master plan revealed. And I would have gotten away with starting a giant rift and breaking the fabric of democracy itself if it wasn't for Ultragramps (which I will assume is a combination of Uber Mensch and Racist Grandpa \s).

But good use of Cunningham's Law in action, so here we go. This is a parody on Taylors cynical use of gay iconography so she will be perceived as a Gay Icon™ allowing her to afford more flights on her private jet. I don't know since when making lighthearted fun of Taylor Swift is racist trolling but sure. Also yes Ozymandias: the famous symbol of white power and racism \s.

Edit: for anyone worrying about the Qanon allegations I would invite them to read the reverenced comment for themselves:

Gates is just as evil as Musk, he is just better at it. Gates played a pivotal role in making sure the vaccine’s stayed under patent. Even when American farma didn’t have the capacity to produce enough and Indian factories had over capacity. The irony is that he did this using his position in the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, that tells you all you need to know about billionaire philanthropy.

[edit] source:

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I’m very curious to all non Dutch speakers what they think ‘dwangwet’ means.

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I thought the ineptness with which the climate crisis is handled made me loose faith in the status quo. But this is just incredible, in the literal sense of the word. Watching the west openly support, what looks more and more like an active genocide, with words and with weapons. It makes my fucking blood boil.

High speed rail, they would probably not believe their eyes if they saw a train going by with 300 kmh.

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Let’s hear her out, maybe she has a good reason.

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They did not need to, they created a situation where this was bound to happen, and then they just followed the mantra: Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Gotta love big naturals, them tit-ass biggies.

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She only emitted the CO2 equivalent of a small African country to get there.

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In quest to defeat Euro red-tape, local construction company had to stop using Asbestos

If misspelling words is a meme now, I have some hilarious memes to share from when I was 9 (They are all in Dutch tho)

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It’s very annoying that I can’t find the source anymore but I read that despite making up 1% of the population, in Germany up to a third of all people accused of antisemitism in the past months were Jewish.


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