4 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I am Idk837384 Socials: Discord: idk837384#8092; Lemmy: you're looking at it rn; Pleroma:;

Yeah, I find protesting Reddit by using Reddit to be incredibly stupid. Just leave and don't touch it at all, if their user metrics and site traffic are so low, then they're just gonna lose their advertisers, which is probably one of their main sources of income.

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Subscribed, and then All when I've seen all the Subscribed posts

Okay completely irrelevant but I feel like infodumping and it's crazy how THIRTY TOUSDAND PEOPLE lived in a city just over HALF of her property size.

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I would add more rice just to fuck with them

There's a cool tool called

It allows you to put in an instance URL, and it shows you what instances have blocked it, muted it, and federate with it. If you want to see instances that federate from Threads, put in and look at the blocked instances section!

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They probably would spontaneously combust because they couldn't decide between denying the Holocaust or the Uyghur genocide

ovagames has most gog games on it as far as I'm aware.

What's wrong? You've barely touched your coleslaw pops!

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I go straight to the bottom of the barrel

eat the onionaires

It's a 2.7 for me here in Canada


You don't need to download F-droid, you can just scroll down to the downloads section on that page. Also you can just find the ViMusic GitHub repo and download it from the releases there.

Do you know of any way to remotely get a Argentine payment method ? Or just any foreign payment method I. general

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reality exceeds my expectations

I found a fellow BSD user in its natural habitat, a miracle

Scroll on my phone for hours and be depressed and then randomly dance to pop music for an hour


This is an example of some results for instances defederated from Threads.

Yeah I've also found some really great songs through ViMusic


Yeah downloading is also great, but this is good for people who just want a Spotify alternative or something and just want to stream rather than download.

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I listen to 128kbs regularly you might just be an audiophile 😭 not that there's anything wrong with that

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All of these are bearable except for Haskell style. Wtf is that😭