9 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

I mean you can look through my walls if you want, but don't come crying to me if you don't like what you see.

(I'm painting fantasy miniatures. They're for a friend.)

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  1. Who writes an email directly to the CEO of their company, and
  2. Who would that email have to be from for the CEO to actually bother reading it?

I'm guessing it's not your rank-and-file type "people".

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That, or threaten to nationalize their industry. Corporations *hate * that.

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A good hobby is a wonderful thing, indeed!

I'm getting pretty used to the idea of not owning any Ubisoft games, I'll tell you that much.

I asked an executive this very question, and he said that the board was getting pressure from stock-holders to reduce headcounts, and justifying that pressure by pointing to other large companies who had already undertaken massive layoffs, and the resulting rise in their stock prices. In this way layoffs become a game of follow the leader -- or like a contagion. "Google just fired a third of their workforce, why are we doing that? We should do what they did, look how successful they are."

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Yggdrasil? Hell Yadrasil!


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I'm sure it'll be fine... oh, totally unrelated: has any one been on Usenet lately?

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This is going to be one tough RMA...

And successful Hollywood film producer -- props on getting into the stakeholder end of the business so early in your career!

For real, I'd love to have a barebones phone.

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That's right, eBay -- stick to terrorizing guilty people next time.

No problem, I just need a rocket, 7.2 x 10^48 gallons of blue dye, and ten reliable men.

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I was a big fan of the ASCII Grip back in the Playstation 1 days. Used to sit in my room all night playing Final Fantasy Tactics with one hand, and chain-smoking with the other. Not the best time in my life, but at least the controller was top notch.

I think it's a great game, but remember to keep playing after you get to the ending.

But is "prompt hacking" considered actual "hacking?"

A real cut & horse-paste solution.

Especially if you use coprolite.

But who will the VPs yell at? It's no fun bitching out a robot.

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That's ok, I'll just take the rocket and the men, then.

An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

I often listen to vinyls of my favorite band... The Divinyl.

Based on the prices I looked up you could feed everyone on Earth 1,800 kcal of potatoes for one day for around 40 billion USD. So... lets do it! Global spud day! Don't ask me where to get a pot that big for boiling all them taters though.

Fair. I'll try to remember to do links from now on.

Ooof, this hits hard. A true legend.

I was in tier 1 support for a few years back in the day, so I'm trying to think of an appropriate image. Based on my experience... something disposable.

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Oh man, over already? That was fast!

(... I'll see myself out.)

There's to stoop; he won't nothing.

AI = "Give me money. Money me! Money now!"