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Joined 8 months ago

It’s those lazy millennials. They just don’t have the patience or dedication.

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It’s been proven time and again that the cops don’t need to know or enforce actual laws. Suing cops is almost impossible, and when you sue the department, the taxpayers got the bill with little impact on the offending officer.

Police reform now.

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Fair and likely but Mary doesn’t fucking know anything.

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Stop funding it.

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Linus Tech Tips.

They were pretty good in the beginning but the drive to create more and more output diminished the quality of the individual vids. Hence, the latest controversy.

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They keep telling us that we can’t own or preserve media. We strongly disagree.

What kind of idiot do you have to be to send millions of state funds to one rich individual? That legislature should go jump in a swamp.

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Idk if anyone could do half the job Larian did.

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Ah yes, the ol' Incel defense: You can’t cite me bc I don’t respect you.

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That’s great but can we stop rubberbanding our rights in and out of existence?

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Yes, we all know you will plunge us into darkness, you orange fucking turd.

Young voters are being given really shitty choices.

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If I were dealing with a single issue that he's going through, I would not be able to get a security clearance.

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I’m sure republicans love that since it is their goal to replace them.

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That seems meaningless.

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Cannon is doing everything she can to just give Dummy Tbags a win.

Blatant corruption.

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What a weird article. She was mad and punched him in the nose. That’s it. No mention whether he hit his head after falling. So, I’m led to believe this lady can one punch people to death.

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These chucklefucks always say "we need to come together" after being the ones who always tear shit apart. They play stupid games and damage our democracy. I wish nothing but the worst for them.

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Cool. Let’s break them both down and replace them with a thousand smaller, employee owned, and ethical companies.

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Regardless, Texas should be held liable for trafficking.

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So the kids need a more realistic representation of adulthood?

My time as a homeowner who barely scrapes by is here.

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Fucking corpos are so detached from reality that they can’t even draw reasonable conclusions from successes/failures.

The use of the term "progressive" here is infuriating. No one who actually wants progress is okay with kids getting married.

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They do love their antichrist.

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The classic platform of begging for mercy whilst giving none.

You know what else is public? Courthouses.

Sounds like clear grounds for an appeal. I wish that kind of absolute bias would be grounds for removal.

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Idk. It seems like that was a bot trying to dissuade people from leaving Reddit. One of the reasons we left Reddit was bc of the bots.

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Thanks for making our shareholders money! Remember not to call in sick or ask for a raise and that unions take your money with no benefit!

Pirating is work. Streaming was convenience.

The less convenient streaming is, the more likely I’m willing to work.

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They compensated by adding more plastic though.

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While I always advocate for starving trolls, sometimes feeding them yields hilarious results.

He should punch himself in the face and wear handcuffs and a gag. Really sell it.

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I don’t know what I ever did to you to be called out like this.

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Rest In Piss

I’d rather we set the precedent of holding people accountable for their crimes.

I’m 1000% sure he has never done any parenting.

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They’ll vote for his dead body, rotting behind the prison. This will not move the needle.

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This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. How does this shit keep working for him?

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Nice. Being ~3040 years old will get me access to super ultra porn.

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