
2 Post – 232 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I like to play devil's advocate and am interested in sharing knowledge about my hobbies! I like gaming and VR, AI, herbal vaporizers, media analysis and philosophy!

Just a bong? C'mon y'all, get with the B.O.A.T. logic and waste some money. Buy an ounce and a mason jar and smash the OZ of bud inside the mason jar!

I know it's not the point, but I do think it would be easier to set up a photo server than to hack around Google.

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Search the credits on linkedin and the like, I'm sure you'd be able to find some

Fry definitely sounds different, Hermes I didn't notice.

Honestly though, it's not something that matters or bothers me especially with the actual context of the episode. The same timejoke for Benders beer being flat is why Fry's voice aged, for reasons! lol

I'd expect it to be removed soon, since it's been done before

This one needs to be remade with the contemporary version.

Answer: "Comment deleted by creator/This user has deleted their account"

Response: "Wow thanks, that worked perfectly!"

For what it's worth Plex has been around since 2009. Emby on '08 and Kodi in '02. So anyone pirating before Jellyfins start around 2018 pretty much would be using either Plex, Emby, or Kodi. Frankly, Emby sucked until just a few years ago, and at least for my purposes for my purposes Jellyfin and Emby don't cut it. Back when I was trying to decide which to use I didn't like Kodi, but I haven't kept up with it so I can't speak on it today.

Plex also hasn't always been subscription only, or at least semi-frequently offer lifetime deals so it's just as reasonable as paying for something like access to real Debrid or whatever.

I-i mean yeah, what losers! Anyone who isn't self hosting bubble upnp streams to connect to their video player are living in the past man!

At this point digitally downloading things needs to just stop being called piracy and start being called digital archival. WiFi went down, luckily I have my digital archive.

All the people who made the content already got paid for their hours in large media. If you're pirating from a studio that is 1 to 10 people you probably know that and probably know it's lame. The money we're paying to view/listen is literally just the corporation trying to "make money back", even though the CEO and execs are probably a few tonnes richer than the rest of us, and the regular working class is getting paid hourly.

We've really got to be moving away from restricting knowledge, honestly even the idea of a $/hr type thing. Imaging being charged 15c every time you heard 40 seconds of a song or TV show. I like the idea of artists being paid royalties but our current system is such a scam with us, the core creator, getting hardly anything after the corporations get their cut. FFS, audiobook producers get more share of royalties than musicians do (most audiobooks are ~40% royalty share and musicians are lucky to get 25%.

It's hard as an artist. I want to be able to make money off my music, and be able to live from just that. The very real reality is that piracy (digital archival) would have almost ZERO affect on me due to the scale of it. People would be more likely to hear about me through its word of mouth than they are currently trying to buy my music with my advertising (none). I'm also not making music for money, but so that it can be listened to. Making money from it is more of a benefit than the goal, despite how nice it would be to do nothing but make music.

So, really, if I am hardly affected by people archiving my work, why in the fuck would HBO be? And if it were true, why would they remove hundreds of movies and shows from their service, lost forever. How are the royalties from those being lost when I archive it?

No, there is none.

There is only one reason to not digitally archive something. One alone.


If you like something and you want it to survive, fucking pay to watch it. I love It's Always Sunny. I have all of it archived, and mostly watch it there. But I will put money into Hulu once in a while just to stream Sunny, for the new season, for whatever. Because those guys have more hours of my life than any other show, and I want them to be able to continue making it, and they can only do that if FX sees that enough people watch them to justify continuing. I don't agree with everything Hulu does, like their showing ads for networks even on the "Ad free" tier (the network contracted for it, which leads me to wonder when other networks won't leverage for the same deal), and something else that I had on my mind but just escaped me due to the late hour. Those guys all already got paid, the crew and teams, everything is taken care of. But for another season to happen enough people have to have seen it on a platform that matters to them, so the only thing that really matters is the metrics.

Of course, if you're HBO even that doesn't matter and it can be all thrown out anyway... so...

to digital archival I go

They didn't release the third game, it was done by a third party (I believe with some licensing shenanigans?), which is why they don't acknowledge Postal 3. They didn't make it. Which is why they (somewhat recently) have given the A-OK to pirate that game.

I'd assume that last part is why they say legendary.

I think that user may be referring to Empress herself, not the commenter.

As in, Empress doesn't need to be using slurs to make her points.

VLC was invented to screen share video from a host computer to a group call? TIL

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Contrary to popular opinion - inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

As you're exhaling vapor (or smoke I guess) your body has processed as much of what you can inhale... but then you inhale again and it'd be pretty weird to assume that whatever is left is exempt, especially if you're rebreathing in some of what you're exhaling.

But if you really want to get higher and be more efficient with your herb switch to vaporization. Heat much above 450F just completely eviscerate the molecules that are working to get us high, so the best thing you can do for your herb is to vaporize it between 360F-420F (or 445f only with high airflow convection vapes), get mid-sized inhales and rebreath them 3-4 times gently. For someone with a low tolerance this will get them noticeably more stoned from "a single hit" since you're getting ~<85% of what you would from smoking the same thing.

Bonus: vaporization is decarboxylation so you get to use the vaped herb as edibles

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Get the latest GenP and then find the self hosted locally run plugin

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From my understanding it has only been rolled out to Chrome users so far. Anyone using adblocks with Firefox will not have seen these yet.

However to ensure you don't, I suggest beginning your transition to some of the alternatives. I have been migrating to Piped which is essentially a scraper.

Right but if it's something that's affecting every single creator then why would anyone continue to want to use Unity

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Depending on the age, myabandonware and a guy named Vimm who has a lair are solid places.

Just one DL at a time from the latter, but it's worth it. Also it's not that bad of a hassle, go from small to large games and it's over in no time.

No, not any more. Way back when dynavap first got popular it was seen as an upstarting stoner metalworker and they were reasonably priced.

Then the hype train hit online on reddit and instagram and the dude got a bit of an ego riding the wave (no offense to G., he's great and kind but also a little look-down-ony if you ever tuned into his talks). Each respective iteration of the product was just that, and year after year prices were raised, quality was lowered and costs were cut, and then he coated some in a heat based anodization and called it a permathermachromatic coating. Over the years leading up to this there was an increase in peripherals/accessories sold as well and now it's really just an iterative brand.

Machine oils up the wazoo after the '20s which were still continuing to this year from what I saw before I quit reddit. Could have changed but frankly, I doubt it. Does it matter much? Well, other than the actual machine quality of some of the vapes themselves, no not really. We should clean our vapes first anyway, although Dynavap should also specifically tell you to clean it before use like every other company.

The dynavap does what it does well, which is heat up to a click and give you 5-12 seconds of vapor by the second heatup. I fundamentally don't agree with a vape that cools down as you hit it, so the dynavap doesn't suit my personal preference, but that's not to say it's not good or anything like that. I personally switched to vaping specifically to get away from butane, so another personal preference. However I have an induction heater which does me just fine, but then at that point the cost is looking towards a different vape.

I think much of its popularity comes from the easier entry cost compared to other vapes, the similar ritualistic element that smokers are used to, and the relatively easy use of it. It's also easy to buy something cheap, be excited it works well enough, have some space and time and feel the need to get something to give it a little extra kick so you get some accessories for it, customize it etc. It's probably the most customizable vape out there, which is certainly something.

All in all, if you get one that was well treated but used you'd be getting a decent price. Don't go for any resales of special editions, they are trying to recoup money because they bought a brand. Honestly, get a 2019 if you're at all interested, find it for $45. The 2020's suck, everything after them suck more. The 2018's combust way more easily.

Otherwise, you'll be suckered into getting "the best" accessories to make the experience "the best" it can be... None of what you will pay will be worth just getting a better vape that works the way you want it to in the first place. (As in, make sure your preferences are filled - the dynavap may fill it! For a heavy heavy long time stoner it was a minor upgrade to the MFLB - not enough.

IMO, vapes should work the best they can work with minimal aftermarket modding. The 2019 is the closest they got to that, and for the price on sale it was great.

Compared to the Tiny Might at $350? Different classes entirely really - if the Dynavap feels like you run out of vapor that's why we use battery powered vapes. Exact same chamber/session size, but I can actually clear a bowl without needing "technique" (which is another "it should just work". I had enough technique with the MFLB thank you).

Compared to the Mighty for $279? You get faster heat up time and a slimmer profile - shorter sessions but easy to refill.

Compared to the Solo 2 for $189? The Solo 2 is a slighly less vapor dense Mighty, so this is down to preference of use. The Solo 2 is a bubbler sipper, the dynavap can be a 1-hit bong ripper.

Compared to the other vapes for $89+($49 accessory 1)+($49 accessory 2)+($49 accessory 3)+(cost of better torch)+(cost of induction heater)... And ultimately, that is what my issue with Dynavap is. It hyped up spending money on a mediocre experience, not entirely the fault of Dynavap but not wholly helped/prevented either there became a toxic community that was fostered. It ultimately resulting in a couple controversies between vendors and other enthusiasts wanting to also make vaporizers. I will always enjoy my experiences and friends I've made around the early years, but the rapid expansion really brought a negative crowd to the space which really fractured the community and George has just fallen to capitalism. Must expand and make shareholders happy, must always expand.

Well, they popped a bit lol.

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You can buy Gwenyth Paltrow's goop jade egg and you'll receive it, that doesn't mean it's not a scam.

But after the 2.5 years it takes to build the Windows index wouldn't it be the same - just searching through a built index?

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Okay, I'm with you but...

how are we using these closed source models?

As of right now I can go to civitai and get hundreds of models created by users to be used with Stable Diffusion. Are we assuming that these closed source models are even able to be run on localized hardware? In my experience, once you reach a certain size there's nothing that layusers can do on our hardware, and the corpos aren't using AI running on a 3080, or even a set of 4090's or whatever. They're using stacks of A100's with more VRAM than everyone's GPU in this thread.

If we're talking the whole of LLM's to include visual and textual based AI... Frankly, while I entirely support and agree with your premise, I can't quite see how anyone can feasibly utilize these (models). For the moment anything that's too heavy to run locally is pushed off to something like Collab or Jupiter and it'd need to be built with the model in mind (from my limited Collab understanding - I only run locally so I am likely wrong here).

Whether we'll even want these models is a whole different story too. We know that more data = more results but we also know that too much data fuzzes specifics. If the model is, say, the entirety of the Internet while it may sound good in theory in practice getting usable results will be hell. You want a model with specifics - all dogs and everything dogs, all cats, all kitchen and cookware, etc.

It's easier to split the data this way for the end user as this way we can direct the AI to put together an image of a German Shepard wearing a chefs had cooking in the kitchen, with the subject using the dog-Model and the background using the kitchen-Model.

So while we may even be able to grab these models from corpos, without the hardware and without any parsing, it's entirely possible that this data will be useless to us.

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It gets more complicated if someone is double-natted (CG/NAT) unfortunately.

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Didn't microsoft recently push something to prevent these from working?

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There's a lot of disappointing comments on here, like no shit you would use a different vehicle if you had access.

First, someone mentioned any cop has the right to check for insurance/etc, so being prepared for that and being amicable, as bright-eyed as you can be. Those marks usually get noted I think though. And another mentioned a sob story, harder in some circumstances but you can get pretty creative from Moms colonoscopy to funeral road trip (from the colonoscopy ofc).

However, I would like to add - do you have any way to meet creative people willing to turn your ghetto van into a painted art car? I was wondering what region you're around (don't need to mention it no worries) and you've mentioned a lot of small towns which makes me think mid-south or west. Either way, going over the car with some primer and a theme may help turn it from ghetto to art-van.

I would try hitting up craigslist or posting on local pages, if funds are an issue I would maybe just mention the situation, doing it in sections. A for sure place you can get it done though for free? Pretty much anywhere in the PNW (OR/WA at least) there are all kinds of weird parties and gatherings and I've seen tons of "paint me" vans, and honestly most of the time they look freaking sick. They're always a mix of hand paint and airbrush.

If you are able to save some over time, you could technically apply these yourself for just barely cheaper than an auto-shop, but it would be some work. You'd need 1 - 1 1/2 of grey primer to cover the van - anywhere from $35 (check dates then shake really, really well) to $85. And then probably the spray/air gun.

Either way, you'll want to follow the proper care for treating the car before you paint it - clean, sand, primer, (maybe sand, maybe not if art car), then the hard part is the clear coat. That part I'm not as familiar with unfortunately.

Last random idea, there are these like rental camper vans, probably a bunch of companies but faking one of those. Same idea as the art car just dumber lol.

Anyways, good luck and I hope in the future you have better reception to questions like this - and that you're able to relax wherever you're staying.

Somewhat surprisingly the fediverse has been much kinder for Linux learners than my experience everywhere else online the last decade :)

It has to be a joke lol, there's no way someone would put in this much effort to screenshot every row of movies, upload them and post it here... unless...

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Bethesda is a publisher as well which explains that

I started smoking with massive bong hits and I'll never move away from that, so I needed to find a vaporizer that was able to provide what I was looking for. I've been through a long list, all with their own pros and cons and various "best" ways to use them.

I started with the FM V5.0s, then the Grasshopper, Arizer Air, Solo 2, VapeXhale Evo, then Mighty family with the Volcano and Plenty, Arizer V-Tower, then the Fury and the Tiny Might.

For bongs, most of these suck or have shortcomings. The Grasshopper (no longer available and should honestly be avoided) was incredible and served me very well, but the company was mishandled and effectively scammed people. However, it was the pinnacle of portable bong vaporizers - seriously unparalleled and its only shortcoming for me was you'd have to reload it if you wanted more than ~2 or 3 very large dense hits (i.e. group sessions). It's too bad it's unavailable, because it really was the best ("when it worked", as the users memed).

The VapeXhale Evo, also no longer available sadly is the next best, only "second" to the Grasshopper for bong rips because it's a desktop vape and it has a heatup time. But the pros outweigh those "cons" that make it "second", easily reloadable baskets and the best convection bong rips on the market at the time. Alas, the company grew old and repurchased and rebranded until a new unit never released and they folded. The biggest loss aside is the ez-load bowls, since they are compatible with a number of devices. Anyway... it was nifty, it heated a glass element that heated the air and made it a full convection vape.

The Mighty is ok for bongs. I differentiate them via the actual glass and pressure of the bongs. Imagine a beaker bong or any bong that you hit and the smoke/vapor condenses in the glass before you carb it and get it all. The Mighty does not do that at all. The Mighty is a bubbler that you when you hit it you get some smoke/vapor - no condensing. It's not my preference, so I personally am not very satisfied with the Mighty as a bong ripper when compared to my other options.

The Volcano is just loud. It's fine, it's fun to have the bong percolate itself but, well meh. It's expensive and loud, it uses a lot of bud but it does put out a lot of vapor. The older V-Tower model is in a similar boat, it's quieter but a little less efficient than the Volcano. I use them for gatherings. The Plenty is fairly disappointing.

The Arizer portables (I have the Air 1 and Solo 2) are weaker than the Mighty through glass so not what you're looking for for bong rips.

Finally, for portables worth mentioning that leaves the Tiny Might. It's a great vaporizer, I find it fairly comparable to the Grasshopper and I'm pleased with it overall. My only shortcoming for it is that I'm constantly reloading bowls, but otherwise it's a strong consistent vaporizer.

But for you OP, I would suggest looking into Ball Vapes. I personally can't 100% recommend any particular one as I'm unfamiliar with the specifics of each and what they all entail, but as a brief overview; ball vapes are desktop vapes controlled by an e-nail PiD controller and are essentially e-nails for convection heating. It's actually just the exact concept of the VapeXhale Evo just inverted, since we are moving the heating elements to the top of the bowl (rather than it being confined).

You can build your own for about $100, but there are plenty of kits available from Cannabis Hardware or Vgoodiez (and I'm sure others, but you can't go wrong with these two.)

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It's how long archeology has said we have had permanent settlements.

In reality it's likely far earlier than that, we only just found a settlement from 11,000 BCE in Turkey, Gobekli Tepe which was likely a sanctuary/shrine, as well as other towns in the surrounding area likely having started before even then.

Big archeology pushed back to say that that's not 100% certain and that humans were still nomadic, despite all the evidence showing otherwise. It was finally just recognized officially a couple months ago.

I just want people to be able to compete if they use cannabis. But you're right that it would likely devolve lol

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For what it's worth I've read that most torrenting hosts will be adding support for it (at least qbit has said)

Interesting, this is the first I've heard of CHS possibly having a catalyst. Up to this point my experience with CHS has been through friends, one extremely heavy smoker a little younger than I, and one very light smoker only a generation older than myself. It's almost seen as an allergic reaction, however the release of excess THC stored in fat actually makes a lot of sense, much more than you suddenly being allergic to something you've been ingesting for decades.

Not that it's impossible or anything, this is how allergies occur all the time. It's just interesting to look at different avenues, there's still so little we know thanks to a lack of research. For what it's worth, a majority of reports of CHS come from daily extended smokers, so it doesn't seem like moderation or even light excess is something that commonly causes it. With what you mentioned about your father's case in mind, it seems to align with that idea as well. I mean, more people are smoking weed than ever but CHS hasn't exponentially grown in cases.

Hypothesis: CHS is rare because its condition is triggered by an overabundance of THC with how the bodies process and metabolize it. For your father, the young friend and older friend of mine, each of them had weight loss and metabolic problems that began around the same time they started having problems.

I'd be curious to see cases where short term smokers have symptoms of CHS and what potential afflictions surround them.

Of course it's important to mention, I'm no doctor or scientist, just a medically inclined stoner who has done a couple class studies in the field. My information is solely from public research, anecdotal sources, and assumptions based on my limited understanding.

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I feel like selling it internationally is your best bet. Find someone in Australia and sell it to them for fair shipping.

Selling it locally is just going to make you tear your hair out. You're trying to sell a popular device that has just had a refresh and a fair sale, outside of Facebook Marketplace or somewhere where a buyer is, quite frankly, not knowledgeable, I feel like your chances are just very slim.

On the other hand, Australian's are looking at ~$1,200 AUD for a "new" high model that someone else bought and supposedly didn't use.

You'd be doing the Steam Deck community a favor by selling it to an enthusiast without charging them extra just because they're down under.

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It is a great resource but? it caps out at the Wii era so... not for this case.

Do these particular advertisers asks the influencers to show their statistics?

I mean, wouldn't the creator have to take a screenshot and send that info in? How do the advertisers even know people are skipping through sponsored segments?

Also I've never understood. I'm not going to buy a subscription service because someone I watch is offering it. If I want it I'm going to buy it regardless whether I've seen its ad or not, and the creators are just offering a discount code that can help them as well.

Lost views is not lost sales. That's just stupid.

Technique and accessory creep mostly. If it's the type of session that you enjoy then it can be worth the reasonably low price (particularly compared to other vapes out of the box). However if you find yourself wanting more, or getting the feeling to customize it visually, you quickly find yourself spending much more money than any other vape for very little actual return on efficiency and use. I made another much longer comment elsewhere in the thread so I'll leave it at this!

100% @gargari

Even something simple like syncthing is very easy

You also don't have to set it up to skip automatically, it will play through with a popup option to skip.

always gave the same vibes as a Watchmojo video.

Oh, that's because those subreddits were literally astroturfed and the mods were shills making money off of the products being shown off.

Format shifting is legal in the U.S.

It's distribution that's an issue.

In this regard it's about the ability to pirate, which always comes down to the classic "it's a service issue."

The need for pirating this software wouldn't exist if the license check wasn't broken, but since it is, it's now the only way to access it regardless of your ownership or not.