I'm having a really bad day and Radar knows it

LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world to aww@lemmy.world – 269 points –

I've been having a panic attack for about an hour. Radar hopped up on my chair with me and has been doing his best to help me. I love this dog


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Hang in there, things will be better soon. Happy to hear you're seeing your doctor soon, hopefully they'll hook you up with a better med. In the meantime, try to take it easy on yourself. You're awesome, don't forget that

Aw thank you for the compliment. I've had a hell of a lot going on lately and it's been really rough. I think things are going to get worse with some things that are going on. I know it'll get better eventually though. I started a new medication to treat some issues with my reproductive organs and I think my antidepressant dosage needs increased to compensate with the hormonal changes. Sorry if that was TMI, I kinda went overboard lol

Nope not TMI. Feel free to share.. you seem to be handling your problems well. Even if things get tougher, I can tell by your attitude that you'll be just fine :)