‘Lock Them Up’ Is Now the Republican Party’s Highest Goal

psychothumbs@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 94 points –
‘Lock Them Up’ Is Now the Republican Party’s Highest Goal

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We're well into the Republican primary, and I have never heard any of the candidates talk about how they want to solve our economic problems.

They simply do not have any policy platform at all. They have no plan.

They have unsubstantiated conspiracy theories against Hunter Biden.

They have endless excuses for Trump.

They have a fierce hatred and fear of the tiny fraction of the population that is trans.

They have fierce hatred of immigrants.

... but they have no plans to make anyone's lives BETTER.

Conservatives voters probably feel liberated and ecstasic as they can throw away the veil and stop pretending to care about governing.

Veil? Hey! According to thesaurus.com, that's a valid synonym for "hood!" Great work!

‘Pubs are an opposition party. They have no interest in leading or governing. Their only platform is “anti-lib.” Being unrepentant jackasses generally annoys the libs so they keep doing it.

That is how to spin them like a top, ask them how.