r/aww holding a vote on malicious compliance

AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦@lemmy.world to Malicious Compliance@lemmy.world – 322 points –

The choice is between "John Oliver, Chiijohn, and their lookalikes bein adorable" and returning to normal.


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I dont think reddit restoring stuff you wanted to delete from your account would be considered legal lmao

True, but if you search around, you'll find post that says reddit reverting changes the user made, such as restoring a deleted comment, restoring a comment that have been edited, even going back to a 5 year post.

Now, cant verify is this true or not, because i already deleted my account. And i dont know if this is an after effect because reddit crashed after most of it subreddits went dark, and reddit tries to restore its dataase.

But I dont think we "own" our data when we gave it to Reddit or any other service providers. All we can hope is that, that Service Provider respect our request :)