IPFS, why haven't we seen video streaming services?

jet@hackertalks.com to Open Source@lemmy.ml – 52 points –

What's the state of IPFS?

I remember a few years ago there was excitement about using it to back video distribution but that seems to have fizzeled out.

Is there any video streaming service using IPFS?

Is the IPFS network growing? What is the best way to see the health of IPFS?


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So I love IPFS, I love the idea of it. I think it's great.

But try integrating it into a project and see what happens. Here is a fun example. Development of IPFS is unfortunately a disorganized mess.

I'd love to build an application that loads resources from IPFS, such as a library specifically for books that stores an index of books, like libgen, or uncensorable front ends for smart contracts and things, but IPFS integration is sub par. The situation all round just sucks.

annas-archive.org/ often has ipfs links for books fyi.

Yeah I know, libgen does too and libgen actually has a full IPFS version of it's archive complete wity a client available over IPNS. I use IPFS and like it but integrating it sucks really bad.