canon fire 034: The quiet and enduring legacy of Virtual On to – 24 points –
034: The quiet and enduring legacy of Virtual On

A friend wrote a post looking at some of the history of Virtual On as well as what had taken influence from it. I like their coverage of games and thought folks here might too!


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I have all of them installed on my PS5 save for Marz via the following two titles:

  • Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Masterpiece 1995~2001
  • A Certain Magical Virtual-On

I adore the series. Really wish it was more beloved. My local arcade had the sit-down dual cab for the original.

Heck yeah, they’re so good!

I’ve got A Certain Magical Virtual-On on my Vita. I know many people weren’t keen on it but I thought they did a pretty good job making it smooth on there! I don’t think I saw it was on PS4 (I assume) but may have to get my hands on that.

I got my friend who wrote the linked post to pick up Masterpiece, so we’ve been playing that a bunch.

Yeah, it was on the Vita and PS4.

Ah bummer, just looked and it was delisted already. Guess I’ll have to see about getting a disc copy.