Fuck it, give me your most OVERRATED Distros

valentino@lemmy.mlbanned from sitebanned from site to Linux@lemmy.ml – 164 points –
The Most OVERRATED Linux Distros

For me







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I've got to go with Endeavour. I'm not sure it's so much that it's overrated, but more that the community talks about it as a replacement for Manjaro which is far from the case. The installation may be easier than arch but once it's all up and running you're going to need to be comfortable in the terminal to sort things out. The documentation for endeavour is incredibly lacking too. It's an unnecessary middle step between a "beginner" distro and arch. If you can't follow the arch installation guide on the wiki then you're going to have even more trouble when it comes to endeavour

once it's all up and running you're going to need to be comfortable in the terminal to sort things out.

The tagline of the distro is "A terminal-centric distro with a vibrant and friendly community at its core" So I'm not sure that is something to complain about, and is by design of their team.

To me it isn't designed as a beginner distro just a preconfigured arch with a nice gui installer and defaults that work for nearly everyone.

Yeah I completely agree, my issue is more with the amount of people that try and push it as a manjaro alternative. It doesn't in the slightest work as a manjaro altrnative for the reasons you've mentioned yet a bunch of people seem to think it is. I've seen endeavourOS recommended to beginners a bunch of times when they ask about manjaro