Wagner troops ‘plotting march to Russia to avenge leader’s death’

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 1290 points –
Wagner troops ‘plotting march to Russia to avenge leader’s death’

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Yeah that part makes no sense, how dumb do you have to be to put the two main leaders in the same fucking plane flying near the capital

Russia hasn't been known for great decision making in recent years

Recent? I was watching a video about the USSR losing a whole bunch of their top generals because the idiots went on the same plane to some meeting. They used this little trip for some personal shopping. They bought a lot much stuff and it was improperly secured in the aircraft so it shifted during takeoff dooming them all.

Who knows what Putin told them to get them to visit him? "All is forgiven & I want you to run the ministry of defense".

I guess they thought no one would blow them up in public 😑