Alternatives to Google Lens to – 81 points –

Seems like a extremely useful tool, just needs to not be Google, any alt recommendations welcome!


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My main gripe with Google Lens is that it replaced Google Image Search on their browser. Used to be able to drag/drop an image into Google and it'd do an instant search for all similar/identical images. Now it opens Google Lens and it just gives me a bunch of "related links" instead of a proper image search.

To get the old functionality back, I need to use a "Google image search" add-on in my Firefox browser. It opens the old Google image search page.

I mostly use it to find higher resolution versions of old, grainy images, but Google Lens took that functionality away from me.

You don't need an extension to do that. I can use image search just fine with

I go to for text searching images, but if you drag an image into the search bar there, it opens Google Lens now. That's my complaint. I want it to search for other versions of the image like it used to, not open Lens.