Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch to politics – 135 points –
Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch

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Trump is all four. I wish we wouldn't turn every election into a years long grueling horserace.

Two out of four is still pretty bad...

We shouldn't be satisfied with "better than trump" because that's roughly 99% of the population.

Unfortunately we don't get a choice, and the people not letting us have a choice are too stupid to realize why voter turnout is constantly shit.

We shouldn’t be satisfied with “better than trump” because that’s roughly 99% of the population.

Spend some more time with his voter base and you'll bump that figure down a bit

You're basically right; They're actually smart, but not in a nice way and not that smart. First past the post voting essentially guarantees this dynamic; duopoly a la Good Cop Bad Cop.

They know they can skate by on that, but they're not afraid enough of the fact that the insurrection has not ended, and will only escalate. Their Bad Cop isn't a method actor, but an actual bad cop who already has a drop piece with their name on it.

Fascism has never yet been defeated without an actual fight. This time isn't different.

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