Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch to politics – 135 points –
Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch

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I will take old over corrupt any day.


It's absolutely insane that this is even being debated. Biden could keel over tomorrow and he would still make the better president.

Both are old and corrupt.

Until Biden puts fucking Goya beans on the resolute desk and does a smug photo op - and still get people to support him - I don’t give a fuck about “BoTh SiDeS” argument.

Republicans have lost all moral ground for calling both-sidism.

Do you have an actual source on Biden being corrupt, or are you just a whiny loser?

It's pretty easy to point to how he's getting his son handled in court. While a far cry from trying to overthrow the government it is corruption regardless.

All politicians are corrupt to a certain degree, that is why we can't idolize and become apologists for them.

It is just how much you yourself can handle or what you are okay with keeping your head in the sand for.

"A toaster and the sun are both hot"

Damnit, you're right! This explains why you shouldn't put a toaster in the bathtub. Because you shouldn't put the sun in the bathtub!

Can we solve global warming by removing all toasters?

Most intelligent Jimmy Dore fan

Great, don't vote. I'm guessing with that rationale you're a Trump supporter anyway.

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