Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch to politics – 135 points –
Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch

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Im not voting for the guy that banned collective bargaining. Mr longest stretch of no minimum wage increase in US history. But also that im not allowed to have health insurance because my wages are too low.

My life has only worsened under him as all the prices around me skyrocket while my paycheck stays the same.

Are you referring to the train workers? Whom he got the exact bargain they wanted a month or two later?

The federal minimum wage requires an amendment from Congress. Not sure what that has to do with him?

Biden is the one who got a bunch of health care and medicaid expansions done over the past 3 years. Are you complaining about the multiple states revoking those expansions a couple months ago? Because, yes, that's bullshit, but it is the exact opposite of what Biden has been doing.

He did not get their exact bargain because they werent allowed to bargain. They got less than what they couldve, later than if they were allowed to strike, and all future negotiations are poisoned by the precedent of not being allowed to strike. What fucking leverage do they have then?

The president can introduce and promote legislation, and its been involved in previous wage increases. Hes been silent of course.

Not months ago, many years ago, a hole of millions of uninsured Americans Biden promised to address. And its been nothing.

Listen, not a Biden fan, but that's not exactly his fault. Biden can't tell companies to not price gouge.

didnt mention price gouging. If my wages were higher, I'd qualify for subsidies. But if you're wages are too low, like mine, you get nothin. You gotta pay full price for private insurance for being too poor. It's a bug with the ACA Biden promised to fix but...I dont think he's even mentioned it since. Or you know, raise the minimum wage like all the other dem presidents.

He hasn't. It's one of my criticisms of Biden, that he dropped any notion of fixing healthcare the second he won. That and his refusal to push back against the parliamentarian.

Again, not a fan of Biden, but he can't unilaterally raise the minimum wage for non-federal workers or tell companies not to price gouge. He should have taken steps to put those two things on blast, but hasn't.

Edit: to people downvoting the above comment, please stop. You don't have to agree with them, but you should try to understand where they're coming from and understand that their criticism is coming from a good place. Biden isn't perfect by any means. Better than the last guy, sure. But he shouldn't be defended when he fucks up.

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