The Spotify Car Thing cost $100, but I can't use it anymore. to Mildly – 1235 points –

EDIT: The only reason why I still had it at this point was because I could use it with other apps. However, now that my Spotify Subscription is cancelled, it doesn't work with anything. It's mildly infuriating because today, I can't still use it with other apps like I was able to yesterday.

Please don't make the same mistake I made. No one should buy this.


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Wait till they put Denuvo in the car, for you montly driving plan.

Need to ask a crackhead like Empress to crack it for us. I'll trade prozac tabs.

I don't understand why people (guys, most probably) simp for Empress. Do they think she's gonna have sex with them or what?

Maybe they like that she is skilled and take the risks for cracking games? Or like some of her wild opinions? I can only guess...

you can appreciate her cracking skills and still hate her for everything else she does, like running a cult and refusing to tell anyone else how to crack denuvo, even though she literally makes zero money off it so she's literally just keeping it secret for clout (presumably to fuel the whole telegram cult thing)

Well I'm not a member of this cult, but I believe admiration for cracking skills always existed before her, now it's different because she is more socially open than a average cracking group. The scene on the denuvo part is basically her so It's easy to build a cult, as you said she keeps a monopoly.

Lmao if skip the real simps most people are there for drama only and ig she is the only cracker close to a community rest don't respond directly to general audience. Though i feel her drama is over the top and waste of time.

Yes. My personal belief is they want account-bound services normalized by the time self-driving cars become viable. They would HATE for us to have the ability to lend our cars out to other people throughout the day without giving them more money

We are in the era that other than games, the companies have not yet caught up with anti-cracking techniques. I crack shit as a hobby and everything is fun and challenging until you start to mess with games. It's insanely difficult, a CONSTANT cat n mouse run and sooooo damn time consuming

How can I get started cracking software myself?

ok so first of all you need to know programming. nothing crazy but you should definitely know what a “function” “loop” or “variable” is and some basic HTTP knowledge (what is an HTTP reuest, what’s a header, etc.).

now, your target is to bypass the license check. there are many ways to go about that:

  • the web way: intercept the traffic between the app and the server. maybe the app tells the server “am i licensed” and the server responds “no” and if you just change that you’re golden. to intercept traffic the golden standard is “burp proxy”
  • the exported function way: I’m sure that you’ve seen that all the apps that you install come with various dlls. these are “libraries” which means that they’re a bunch of functions in a package. most times they also include the name of their functions and more often than not you’ll find a “is_user_licensed” that returns a 0 or a 1. hooking that to return 1 will hand you a win
  • the exe exported function way: same as the above but the function lives inside the exe. BTW exes are exactly the same as a DLL (and you can actually execute a dll or import functions from an exe!)

you can find any function that gets called and has a name (the names are called “symbols”) using frida-trace

afterwards you can write a frida script (javascript) that either replaces the entire function or append/prepend code to it. most times you want to append code that just returns a value as to not mess with the programs internals

if you have a .net app though the whole process is WAY easier as you can read all the code of the app using a decompiler - dnspyex is the gold standard

of course not all apps are that easy to crack. it’s more of a time/mind game and less of a skill one. sure, you get much more efficient and the solutions start to “smell”, but trying to crack an app that has stripped symbols (no function names) and everything is statically compiled (all the dlls are shoved into the exe to make it harder for us) can make your life much more difficult

since this is a “starter guide” i’m gonna leave anti-reverse, anti-debug and obfuscation completely out of the discussion. unless you get a moderately good grasp what the above terms mean, don’t bother

I also didn’t talk about actual reversing with a debugger/decompiler/disassembler as I think that it’s better to find out about them as-you-go. don’t start from that. it’s intimidating

Don’t get intimidated. You’ve got it. Remember that it’s not about skill (ok don’t go cracking IDA Pro or denuvo), it’s about patience and methodology As the hacker say: Try harder and happy hacking 🙂

NOTE0: ALWAYS ask chatGPT stuff. if it refuses to answer put the question in the context of “malware research” NOTE1: I think that someone somewhere may have told me that a very popular app owned by dickheads used in the 3d printing community is a very good starting point 😀 NOTE2: You’re more than welcome to ask anything - PMs or otherwise

EDIT: I forgot to mention reversing divas: since this is such a niche thing to do and you spend your life away from grass, some people involved are in the mindset of "this is not for everyone, you're stupid and you can't do it, etc". Fuckem