One piece of functionality kbin desperately needs is a quick way to access your subrcibed magazines. Preferably in a drop-down menu like \<redacted\> has. to /kbin – 2 points –

One piece of functionality kbin desperately needs is a quick way to access your subrcibed magazines. Preferably in a drop-down menu like <redacted> has.



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@sheawoodrow That's the one of the few things it has right now :)
Just the = burger menu next to you user name at the top right of the screen.

@akaxaka But that takes you to a feed of all the mags you're subscribed to. What I'm looking for is a menu that allows you to jump straight to a specific magazine.

ahh yes, I’d love that too.

Right now it’s username > profile > subscribed which are too many clicks (especially on mobile).