Machine Learning Unlocks the Secret to Hit Songs to – 27 points –
Machine Learning Unlocks the Secret to Hit Songs

Why it matters: A recent study at Claremont Graduate University has applied machine learning to neurophysiological data, identifying hit songs with an astonishing 97% accuracy.

Read more: 'Neuroforecasting': How science can predict the next hit song with 97% accuracy.

Read the Research article.

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Fuck yeah, that was my go-to app for like a decade right up until the great reddit migration. I'll very gladly pay for Pro all over again!

I'm assuming lemmy's bug is acting up again lol. Anyway, I am also very excited about Sync.

Oh, huh. Came here to ask which bug but I see now lol. I had no knowledge of this post's existence beforehand so yup, probably.