Ren - Hi Ren (Official Music Video) to – 38 points –
Ren - Hi Ren (Official Music Video)

Apple music lists it as Alternative Rap. I don't have any way to describe it better.

Just love the storytelling of this song and the struggles it shows. Great artist, I only now discovered.


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The first time I found Ren - Hi Ren it gave me chills. 2am probably wasn't the right time to go down that rabbit hole but I'm also so glad I did, I've really enjoyed watching his rise over the last few months. I hope this current treatment also does wonders for him.

This song was the first one I heard of him and it gave me chills too. Also 2 or 3 am and going down that rabbit hole since then. 7 am now. I hope that too!

Oh wow you've just fell down that one? Enjoy it all!! I can't wait for the album Sick Boi