What is something you don't like, that you wish you did like? and why

MisterHavoc@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 139 points –

Could be as trivial as a type of food, a TV show, or something more serious.


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@Geek_King @MisterHavoc ironically, I feel like I form half my personality on being one of the few people who Don't drink coffee.

Own it! 😜 We're better than them! We don't need any weird brown bean water to become functioning human beings, much less be elitists about it. Psshht losers /s.

Jk y'all bean juice lovers are an alright bunch, I guess...

Enjoy what you enjoy, and enjoy that you enjoy it. Doesn't matter what other people like

I love the idea of really owning it. Like how a ton of people have tattoos now, but I never once found something I could guarantee I'd love forever, so no tattoos for me. I should embrace my bean-water-less life while being unmarred by inky art!

I think not having tattoos is cool, since I think most people get them now. What about tea? Do you like tea? Coffee makes me jittery as hell and much too talkative, so I don't drink it too often. But green tea is perfect.

It's a nope for tea as well. There are some tangy or flowery ones that are okay, but I don't really like them that much. Green teas taste too much like grass clippings for me to really get into them.