That feeling when you're googling the answer to some technical question, and your own Lemmy post appears 4 results down.

Remy to – 1150 points –

Hopefully this kind of content is ok here. Up until recently, when I would be searching for some kind of technical info, the top (and best) results would usually all be Reddit posts. I was very pleasantly surprised to do that this time and find a Lemmy post instead!

...It did happen to be a post from me, so unfortunately didn't answer my question at all, but I still thought it was really neat and wanted to share. Has anyone else seen Lemmy stuff getting indexed and turning up in their search results?


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Gotta keep this up! So much of my google results are Reddit forum posts

At least now I'm starting to see those results as "Fuck /u/Spezz This post removed by "

So many Reddit posts are removed and useless. And often these posts used to be the main answer. I don't bother much with Redditt anymore. It's not the knowledgebase it used to be. Will likely never be again.

Some questions I "reask" here on Lemmy and get decent replies. Thus building a new knowledgebase.

That’s exactly what all of us should do. Thank you for being proactive. We need more of you.