Fatal shooting of University of South Carolina student who tried to enter wrong home 'justifiable,' police say

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 440 points –
Fatal shooting of University of South Carolina student who tried to enter wrong home 'justifiable,' police say

The homeowner who fatally shot a 20-year-old University of South Carolina student who tried to enter the wrong home on the street he lived on Saturday morning will not face charges because the incident was deemed "a justifiable homicide" under state law, Columbia police announced Wednesday.

Police said the identity of the homeowner who fired the gunshot that killed Nicholas Donofrio shortly before 2 a.m. Saturday will not be released because the police department and the Fifth Circuit Solicitor’s Office determined his actions were justified under the state's controversial "castle doctrine" law, which holds that people can act in self-defense towards "intruders and attackers without fear of prosecution or civil action for acting in defense of themselves and others."


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for all the non-Americans, here are the things you don't understand about why we say it was justified.

Mental illness is rampant here. The high productivity expectations have a serious toll on people. There aren't enough doctors to be even close to handle the scope of it. Many doctors offices are getting bought up by large companies who can and do pick the most lucrative clients.

Our justice system releases mentally ill people who are clearly dangerous because they haven't committed a big enough crime YET.

And people don't look out for one another much anymore. Combined with a misguided sense of independence, drunks are left to do things that friends in other countries would put a stop to.

This is why we fear random people, this is why drunk people manage to get into circumstances uncommon elsewhere. This is why we say the shooting was justified. We all think about how badly it could have gone if he didn't shoot, and it wasn't just a drunk guy at the wrong house.

As an American I'm thoroughly unconvinced

Same, this sounds like what the homeowner/killer is going to be telling himself the next day to rationalize it (if he even thinks about it that deeply).

what in all of this makes you think the homeowner is a cold blooded killer who doesn't give a second thought about killing. Like where does that even come from. I mean its possible, but seems pretty unlikely.

America is a big place. Maybe your area is better. Or maybe you aren't aware of it in your area. But the number of neighbors in my area who have had mentally ill people (probably homeless) come to thier door sayimg they live there or what not is pretty high. And I am out in the suburbs. Combine that with the yearly stories of a mentally ill person with a history of random violence arrests who kills someone and it's no suprise people fear. A large part of the population lives in areas like this or in cities. But not everyone for sure.

Mental illness is rampant here.

All the more reason why you guys shouldn't have so many guns.

true, but that ship has sailed.

If enough people want it changed, it can be changed, right?

have you seen American politics? Having the majority vote doesn't even win the presidency. And all these anti abortion laws recently... all the polls show a majority don't want them. The government works for business, not the people. If enough corporations want it to change, then it can be changed.