Android 14 blocks all modification of system certificates, even as root to – 260 points –
Android 14 blocks all modification of system certificates, even as root

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This article isn't clear on one question: Are users still able to add new trusted authorities? I have a custom CA installed so as to be able to access self-hosted https services inside my home network. Given that Android now prevents you from accessing sites with an untrusted/self-signed cert, I need this feature.

System Certificates

Aka, you cannot untrust google's certs. And google can do whatever the fuck they want, and you cannot change or alter that behaviour.

So, if google wants to publish a root CA, that allows them to act on behalf of any other domain, they can do that. etc.

Sounds like a powerful tool for law enforcement

Now, If only google didn't give out information without a valid search warrant.......

Or, didn't sell your data.