ATTENTION: If you're actively employed by and working at Reddit... to – 74 points –

Hey there, friend :)

I just wanted to mention to you directly that you are a human being and you have choices here.

First acknowledging that you do need to stay employed of course and I don't blame you, as the worker, for helping Reddit during this moment. But there are these few moments each day at your work where you can make small, deliberate decisions on behalf of your fellow human beings over hollow corporate furtherance.

Just do a bit less each day. Forget to send an email here and there. Copy the wrong "Debbie" or "Todd" in that email that you do send - honest mistake. Forget to ban that mod you are asked to ban, or forget one in the group. If you're feeling bold, get off of your work machine and reach out to those mods on a dummy account with a heads up.

Again, not you're fault as an individual either inn a broken system, but you probably have small opportunities every day to help the world and hurt Reddit a bit. Embrace those opportunities.

We believe in you.


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Or just start lining up work elsewhere. I'm not convinced we need sabotage at this point, but Reddit probably isn't going to get better for users or employees.

Exactly … don’t destroy your reputation… just find a new job if you hate the company you work for.

Also, you should probably avoid trash-talking Reddit when interviewing. I hear potential employers hate that.

Interviewers don't mind you describing flaws in a company to explain why you left, if those flaws are real flaws. What they hate is when a candidate blames their failings on the company rather than honestly identify and take responsibility for their own shortcomings.

What that means is that if you're going to say something bad about a former employer, keep it brief, stick to factual, provable things with minimal emotive content, and describe how that meant they're a bad fit for you. If you can describe a way your employer did things badly, explain why you weren't in a position to change it, and then describe a better way that you wish they'd do and that happens to line up with how your potential new employer does do things, that can be a good way to show you'll fit in because you agree with their practices or management style or whatever it is.

Worded a bit more harshly, mention past problems if necessary but make it look like you'll cover for the potential employer when they fuck up, too.

It's more, point out past employers' flaws where it doesn't look like an excuse for your own, or where you can use it to show that the reasons you left that employer totally won't apply here because this place is better in exactly the ways you're looking for.

well yea any employer really. never bring any toxic energy... they'll see it as a red flag.

I keep saying I think it's going to go the facebook route. I don't think we're going to see them change on this, I think we're going to see a slow gradual death of a social media space. No one can pinpoint when Facebook became less cool, but everyone agrees it's not cool like it was in the early 2010s/late 2000s. People will follow the content, when content stops being as good on Reddit people will go elsewhere.

All we need to do is keep the communities going and have fun content.

Indeed. I don't think sabotage is really the best thing that someone inside Reddit could be doing, anyway. Maybe try suggesting "hey, are we the baddies?" Now and then instead.