Windows vs Steam OS for your deck? to Steam – 21 points –

Have any of you switched to windows? Just curious how it went and if it's preferred over the og os


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I have not switch over my Steamdeck to Windows 11. But, I did pick up an ROG Ally b/c I apparently lack impulse control. IMO, the experience with Steam OS on Steam deck is far and above Windows 11 on a similar-ish handheld.

In 3 months or so Linux on the Ally should be in good shape. There's a fix for sound coming in 6.5, and it sounds like wifi support has someone on it but the patch might not be ready or something. Then Chimera or some other Linux distro that tracks the latest kernels would be the way to go.

That's great news! I intend to watch it closely as it progresses. Thank you for sharing the links.