Reddit's response about the actions they took against the subreddits (note: r/mildly interesting DID NOT encourage nsfw content and their suspensions and removal have been revoked by a diff admin) to Reddit – 238 points –

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I mean, as a parent, I sort of agree that pushing sexual material to subs that weren't in the past, sort of a dick move.. but at the same time, removing/firing people who were moderating the sub for free, is just stupid... What's going to stop people from still posting porn/nsfw material to these subs now that their normal gatekeepers are gone?

I think the point of this was to mark it as advertiser unfriendly so they cant make money off it, not to post actual porn. Also maybe john oliver aroused spez a bit much it seems

That was my impression too... but when i went to interestingaf the other day, there was definitely porn.