Deleted my 12 year old, 43334 Karma, reddit account to Reddit – 294 points –

I feel free !
Thanks to Power Delete Suite.
I actually run on mastodon so I was already very familiar with the fediverse. The more platforms for it the better.


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Congrats! Feels liberating. Just deleted my entire history (posts and comms) this morning! 12 years, 35k karma. I'm waiting a bit to delete my account in case the rollback story is a thing so I can delete them again.

I'm not going to delete my 225k karma account. I am going to use GreaseMonkey to overwrite all of my comments & posts with "Censored by Reddit"

Did the same. 12 year account with posts and comments for a wide variety of subs. Used Nuke Reddit History add on which edits the comments and then deletes them. I started it a week ago and each day run it again for the posts it missed. Will delete the account on 1st July. No Regrets..