is the ability to raise one eyebrow a thing to born with? to No Stupid – 81 points –



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I am not an expert by any means, but as far as I know, no. There are lots of little muscles in and around your face that most people never use, and if you've never used them, then you won't know how. I'm pretty sure it's possible to learn how to use these muscles, but I wouldn't be able to give any advice on that part. It's similar to how some people can wiggle their ears

So pretty sure everyone used the muscles subconsciously. It’s more many people don’t have the conscious control to move just the one muscle.

It can be learned, though

Confirming this.

I was in an accident when I was 15, severing the nerves for two of my facial muscles (levator labii superioris and zygomaticus minor, to be specific). I am now 40, and my smile is crooked because of this.

The nerves have healed, as confirmed by various tests, but my brain has simply forgotten how to control these muscles. It's hard to explain, but on the right side of my face I can control those muscles just fine... I just cannot translate the same action into something for the left side.

It's not really a disability, so I don't really care that much, but I have considered asking my doctor if he can send me to a neurologist or something.