Biden impeachment inquiry ‘eight months of abject failure’, watchdog report says to politics – 357 points –
Biden impeachment inquiry ‘eight months of abject failure’, watchdog report says

The Congressional Integrity Project reports on several inconsistencies and untruths in James Comer’s House investigation


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No grandpa, Joe Biden is the president, not Hunter, he holds no government office.

The obsession with Hunter is fucking weird as hell. And he seems to live rent free in their heads.

I was talking to my conservative brother and made a joke about drugs or something, and he immediately said "Just watch out for Hunter Biden! Hahaha!"

It wasn't even a political conversation, I just mistook a smoke shop sign for something else and joked about it! I don't even think I can name Trump's kids except Eric. And I don't know fucking anything about them. Why do they care about Hunter when he's not even the fucking president, it's so bizarre.

I think it’s as simple as Hunter being a convenient boogeyman to demonize and weave into the “democrats bad” narrative in conservative media. And many conservatives think about what that media machine tells them to think about - including second hand from their buddy who is “into politics.”

Didn’t Marjorie Traitor Green (T) bring slides of Hunter’s cock to session about a month ago?

Yup. Someone should tell Empty G that nude selfies are not really evidence of a crime, however, revenge porn IS a crime.

But wow, are the cons just so obsessed with his dong.

I also think its a conservative thing to use their kids as political tools. So anything bad Hunter gets caught with will lead back to Biden, they think. Because projection.

It's because they are vindictive as anything. They cannot deal with the fact that donnie Bin Laden might face the slightest inconveniences over crimes he committed and want to exact revenge on...someone.

They also don't want to really own up to the fact that they were 100% down with donnie Bin Laden and their party is all-in on someone like donnie as one flaw after another about him becomes nearly impossible to ignore. The cognitive dissonance builds up and builds up and I think it exhibits itself in weird outbursts like the obsession with Hunter and his nudes on the hard drive, oops, I mean, "laptop".