Open Source Showerthoughts #0 to Open – 169 points –

I am sure hope somebody™ already thought of this. Feel free to advertise your project here.

P.S.: Image transcription:

Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants gesturing to the left with open hands:

Somebody should take document type conversion from Pandoc and version control from Git

Patrick gesturing to the right in a pushing motion:

And build a frontend around it


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I've been using Quarto a lot for Data Science work and it uses Pandoc under the hood I recall.

Not sure what you're envisioning by Pandoc + git, but the RStudio IDE has a git integration and a WYSIWYM Quarto editor.

Like a data format inhabiting the centre of that conversion graph they have on their website, basically a superset of the available input types, that is then version controlled by git, and can be exported to any of the output formats, in a neat frontend that removes all that complexity from me. :D