How to learn linux? to – 91 points –

Recently, I've been using linux(tried multiple distros). I'm curious about how linux works, it's architecture! Is there a book, guide, video, etc to learn about linux? By using linux, I get to know something. It would be better If I know how linux works!


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I think they should try learning the basics with an easy to use and install distro (learning cmd like cd, lsblk, ls, ln...) then if they want more try to install arch Linux using the arch-install, then installing arch linux manually, and the diving into gentoo and then into LFS if they really want the time! (Also, for gentoo and lfs i'd recommend having a really good computer to make compilation time slower!)

Hey, I've tried some distros(fedora, ubuntu, vanilla...), I think it would be better If I learn. What I mean by learn is about understanding the concepts and, as I've been using fedora. I didnt really learn how cd, ls(although I use it a lot) works. So, I think learning through LFS is good and interesting. Do you think that it would be good if I learn from installing gentoo and arch, then go onto LFS

If you're interested, you will learn a lot of things by installing lfs, arch or gentoo, you'll just learn differents things with each distro and will learn in a different manner, all are interesting imo, but I think it's better to learn gradually than to learn from the hardest thing (lfs is the hardest in my opinion)

May be, I wasn't all interesting how the things work when you download it! Yeah, learning gradually will not only save time but also make the learning process enjoyable.