How is woke a religion?

ruford1976@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to Mildly – 502 points –

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Mother fucker up there acting like he ain't ever heard of the crusades, Spanish inquisition, Salem witch trials, or the genocide of the Buddhist population in tiabet to name a few, though the Buddhist population genocide could be argued as atheist since it was perpetrated by CCP who don't believe in most religions.

It's not an atheist genocide when it's not motivated by atheism. People can follow more than one doctrine. An ultra nationalist can go to church but an attack on foreigners would be a nationalist motive and not a Christian one.

It’s not an atheist genocide when it’s not motivated by atheism.

How would you define “motivated by atheism” here?

The desire to wipe out religious people in general and that was not a big thing in history. What's more common is the desire to wipe out "heretics".

And you’re acting like you never heard of the Holocaust, the GULAG, or the Great Leap Forward.

Oh no I quite have, no where did I say people wont find ways to kill each other. But religion isn't the bloodless doctrine it portrays itself to be. But since you mentioned the Holocaust it is arguable that was a religious motivated event as people saw Hitler as a infallible god. Nazi ism was their religion and nazis even messed with the occult.

Ooh interesting. So if there’s an infallible god we can count it as religion?