Valve employee reveals “stupid expensive” scrapped VR console plans

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 92 points –
Valve employee reveals “stupid expensive” scrapped VR console plans - Dexerto

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He's right, a product like that would have failed dramatically. At this point I just want them to release a dumb AF, streaming-only, inside-out tracking VR headset that connects to PCs. Forget trying to cram an expensive Qualcomm or AMD chip in there, it will never give you the ideal VR experience. Make something that's $200 bucks, connects to any PC running SteamVR, and just does extremely well with streaming and low-latency. Both Airlink and VRDesktop have already shown that its possible to get extremely close to a cabled experience. All that's left is some polish.

100%. I've attempted to shop for this exact thing. I won't give zuck any money so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I just want to be able to buy something like an Oculus CV1 without Oculus software/proprietary hardware and a nicer screen. I’m still rocking the same unit I got several years ago and it’s still plenty fine for most things.

All of the fancy things like wireless and no-tower tracking are nice, but I imagine a lot of players are going to be seated and just want the immersion. Why not have a $300-400 offering that does this?

I could be wrong on this since I have no source but I always assumed that Oculus headsets were cheap because they’re a Meta product and you’re actually paying for it with your data/telemetry.

Like, the ungodly amount they spent on VR R&D is absolutely not being made up for by the few hundred dollar price tag on their headsets — I bet that barely covers the cost of materials. That must be for a reason.

I mean isnt this why people bought the HP Reverb?

Its partially a self inflicted problem if you need Valve to do it.

Why not have a $300-400 offering that does this?

I think having base stations not only increases price but also makes it unapproachable for a vast majority of people. Personally, I didn't even consider the CV1 or the Index because I just didn't have a room that could properly accommodate them. For the sitting use case, no-tower tracking is actually very suitable and probably works better.

even at ideal condition there is about 1~2ms latency(streaming 1080p game), while hitting 90hz requires 11ms frame time. so you are asking the game to at least perform at 111fps or above to function under said ideal condition. I think if some manufacturer can put together a chip set where they do the frame gen tech on the head set side, so the game just need to run at 60fps it would be a better option.(like PS VR ) Frame gen does require some other buffers to generate the in between frames, so that's more info to stream over the bandwidth.

That's basically what I got. Xreal Air (formerly Nreal until a C&D from Epic). 1080p per eye and something like 49PPD with a 45° FOV. Tracking is 6DOF and requires software on the host (only complaint) and connectivity is via a USB-C cable (uses DP alt mode).

It's nearly as "dumb" as an HMD can get. From the teardowns that I've seen, it's really just got an MCU, a GPIO expander, a 6DOF chip, and the displays + drivers. And I love that about it. No batteries or anything to worry about.

45 FOV sounds really narrow, aren't the headsets pushing like 100 degrees or so?

It is pretty narrow but also what makes it work, IMO. I don't have them for immersion but for display replacement. The narrow field of view lets the 1080p display have nearly 0 screen door effect. Plus, the birdbath optics are really cheap compared to waveguides or fancy lenses in VR headsets.

Ah, ok. My reason to get a headset is for immersion with seated gameplay. Games like ETS2 and Elite:Dangerous.

Makes sense. Yeah. Any birdbath setup will be wrong for that. They typically get great PPD but, narrow FOV.

This has been on my radar for a while to compliment my steam deck. But I believe it doesn't do head tracking with the steam deck or does it? I just want a floating screen in front of me that stays still when moving my head around, otherwise I'm gonna hurl!

I think it's great for my Deck but, that will indeed be a problem. The headset contains only the sensors and display systems but, none of the logic circuitry to "pin" displays. Including that would increase the price a good deal.

Understood thanks for the feedback. After posting you reignited my interest and I found out that they also have their product called beam which would do the trick to make a spatial display... if you're willing to cough up another 120 for it!

If you're willing to cough up another 120 for it!

Yeah... I'm not :P But, I am plotting a DIY solution. A solution that will probably cost more than $120 on components but, I think it will still be worth it.

So, I've got one for my steam deck and it's less an issue than you might think, in my opinion.

When you're focused on the screen, it doesn't create too much incongruity when the background shifts, and it's easy to just let you brain parse the screen as something that just floats in front of you.
It's not immersive enough to get the inner ear involved and confused. It's a lot closer to holding a phone sideways about six inches from your face and moving your head around.

The only time it felt weird was when I was using it in a well lit room, and I shifted my focus to something not on the screen, that was closer than the apparent distance to the floating display. It was weird feeling my vision try to reconcile that the nearer thing was moving behind the far thing.

Can it be used wirelessly with the Deck?

No, it does have to be attached by a cable. You can get an adapter that lets you charge while using it.

The glasses are basically a monitor.