Mississippi sees 10-fold increase in babies born with syphilis since 2016: Report

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 147 points –
Mississippi sees 10-fold increase in babies born with syphilis since 2016: Report

The number of babies born with syphilis in Mississippi has risen 10-fold over the last several years, according to a new report.

Between 2016 and 2022, congenital syphilis cases rose from 10 to 110, marking a 1,000% increase, according to a report from the John D. Bower School of Population Health at University of Mississippi Medical Center.

For the report, researchers looked at hospital discharge data from the Mississippi State Department of Health and the Mississippi Hospital Association.


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We're shocked, frankly, that states without comprehensive sex education (and that stigmatize education) are having issues with STI's.

We should do a study on that, but learning anything violates Texas state law.

Well, if only they had practiced abstinence, they'd have avoided pregnancy AND syphilis.
