Federal judge again strikes down California law banning gun magazines of more than 10 rounds

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 497 points –
Federal judge again strikes down California law banning gun magazines of more than 10 rounds

California cannot ban gun owners from having detachable magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, a federal judge ruled Friday.

The decision from U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez won’t take effect immediately. California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, has already filed a notice to appeal the ruling. The ban is likely to remain in effect while the case is still pending.

This is the second time Benitez has struck down California’s law banning certain types of magazines. The first time he struck it down — way back in 2017 — an appeals court ended up reversing his decision.


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do you think Lemmy is exclusively populated with Americans? There's a whole wide world out there you know, where much stricter gun laws are common and accepted across the political spectrum, do not assume anyone's political leaning just because they're against every Joe Schmoe packing heat

Yep. I argue with Europeans a lot about guns.

If I had a genie where I can magically wish guns away, I'd do it.

But right now, armed Nazi fucks parade around the city, PROTECTED BY COPS, and they want to pass laws that make it harder for my brown hands to protect myself?

I do believe the timing of the new accounts is an able indicator.

do not assume anyone’s political leaning just because they’re against every Joe Schmoe packing heat

It's generally more an assessment of the talking point used and coherence of the argument - you seem to be doing some assuming yourself.