Titan sub CEO dismissed safety warnings as 'baseless cries', emails show

jay91@lemmy.mlbanned from sitebanned from site to World News@lemmy.ml – 323 points –
Titan sub CEO dismissed safety warnings as 'baseless cries', emails show

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I mean, by all means you have the right to take yourself out however you want, but to take others with you is what they call "a dick move".

I mean, I hate speaking ill of the dead, but fuck this guy.

If you’re going to speak ill of any of them, it should probably be the guy who was responsible for the deaths of the other four; when somebody murders his family and then himself, we don’t generally treat that person as a victim.

Going to the bottom of the atlantic in a pringles can is a pretty baller way to do it to yourself too.

Charging a quarter mil to do it to others is decidedly not baller 😞