How do you clean your glasses? to – 123 points –

Lens manufacturers say that anything other than a microfiber cloth will damage the coatings on a lens. But microfiber cloths eventually pick up crap and they look like they're a pain to wash.

How do you keep your lenses clean? Are you using cloth/kleenex or microfiber cloths? If you use microfiber cloths, how do you clean those?


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I work in a lab, and while we carry lens cleaners, sometimes you don't have time.

A little bit of 200 proof ethanol and some elbow grease is all it takes for a fresh pair of specs!

If anyone uses anti glare coatings, mine specifically say don't use alcohol to clean them.

Sorry for the late reply. These are actually a cheap pair I forgot to add the anti-glare on in the purchase. These weren't being used so they are my work glasses now.

Does anyone have experience with glasses with Oleophobic layers and work around fats/waxes/oils?

I use the ethanol and kimwipes to clean mine all the time lol they're probably a little scratchy but better than my shirt. They're just too convenient when they're everywhere.