What are YOU self-hosting?

proycon@lemmy.world to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 369 points –

A simple question to this community, what are you self-hosting? It's probably fun to hear from each-other what services we are running.

Please mention at least the service (e.g. e-mail) and the software (e.g. postfix). Extra bonus points for also mentioning the OS and/or hardware (e.g. Linux Distribution, raspberry pi, etc) you are running on.


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Lots. I have 2 proxmox hypervisors and 3 Raspberry Pi's; my OS of choice for servers is Ubuntu Server or Raspbian.

  • ISC-DHCP-Server (DHCP)
  • Bind9 (DNS)
  • Pihole (pihole upstreams to bind9) (More DNS with ad and content blocking)
  • OpenLDAP (Directory)
  • Jellyfin (Media)
  • Nextcloud (General google drive replacement)
  • Vaultwarden (password Vault)
  • Asterisk (Phone)
  • EasyRSA Certificate Authority (Certificates)
  • Minecraft (Gaming!)
  • HomeAssistant (Home Automation)
  • Octoprint (3D Printing)
  • Shinobi (Security Cameras)
  • Multiple Apache Websites (Web)
  • Exim4 mail relay (Mail)


  • Photoprism (Photo Sharing)
  • tt-rss (RSS Reader)-

I've been looking for an easy CA for home use signing of stuff (open-wrt, wifi). how's your experience with EasyRSA?

It's ok, but it's VERY manual. I am ok with that, and it's helped me learn better. I've written some scripting to help manage it, but I am always worried that there are gaps and I'll miss some expiration. I am trying to compile an open source suite to essentially replace the AD suite, and it's competent thus far but with much less UI.

How has hosting Asterisk been for you? I've looked at it briefly a few years ago, and you just reminded me of its existence. Is this setup just for you, or do you have other users?

Complicated. Ultimately, I don't use it, but at a previous job we wrote a web-based softphone, and I was proud enough when I left of it that I continued to maintain it (since we open sourced it). I needed a test server for that, so I set up asterisk at home lol. Now that it's there though, I wanna get a SIP trunk and actually have my kids use it when they get old enough for phones...I Have a few years to go.