California governor rejects bill to give unemployment checks to striking workers to – 227 points –
California governor rejects bill to give unemployment checks to striking workers

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"he vetoed this bill because the fund the state uses to pay unemployment benefits will be nearly $20 billion in debt by the end of the year.

The fund the state uses to pay unemployment benefits is already more than $18 billion in debt. That’s because the fund ran out of money and had to borrow from the federal government during the pandemic, when Newsom ordered most businesses to close and caused a massive spike in unemployment. The fund was also beset by massive amounts of fraud that cost the state billions of dollars."

The reasoning and background, if anyone is curious

There's plenty of money. He's union busting.

There's always money in the banana stand.

Keep the useless pop culture quotes on reddit

Keep the pithy sad sack comments on Reddit.

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